Los Angeles: Eviction Notices Skyrocketing

Originally published at: Los Angeles: Eviction Notices Skyrocketing | Infostormer.com

In Los Angeles, there’s been roughly around 50,000 eviction notices issues over the past several months.

Eviction notices piling up in Los Angeles. The party is over. https://t.co/eOR83dABxq

— Mark Groubert (@lordbuckly) September 28, 2023

Most of them have been for non-payment of rent.

According to the controller's office, 96% of those eviction filings were for non-payment of rent. https://t.co/p6H3CUkhU7

— FOX 11 Los Angeles (@FOXLA) September 26, 2023

Evictions were suspended during the COVID era lockdowns and now we are finally starting to see the fallout from that.

The homeless problem in L.A. is already really bad and you should fully expect it to get worse.

This country is in a state of collapse and you can blame the Jews for all of it. They’re either not trying to fix any of these problems or deliberately trying to make the problems worse.


A lot of these idiots didn’t have to pay rent so they blew the rent money on porn, new gaming systems, fancy vacations, new cars and more. This is what landlords reported.

Many mom-and-pop landlords - and I believe this is around 60 % of rentals in Los Angeles - were fucked over, forced to pay for everything. What these tenants don’t realize is more and more of their lanlords can’t meet California’s onerous regulations, rent control, and “renters’ rights” mandates - and are selling out to large developers who come in, upgrade and convert to pricey condos. It’s happening all over LA.


Recently RFK Jr. called-out Blackrock and Vanguard for buying-up single family homes, edging out first time homebuyers with cash offers. No other politician is talking about this. the goal is to destroy the american dream of home ownership and turn the goyim into renters with Jew landlords.


That and we also have, in California, wealthy Chinese coming into the state with CASH buying up homes - they’ll offer far more than the asking price, using cash as the bait.

One of my relatives in the northern part of the state was outbid for two years by this scam.

We also have a Jew politician here named Scott Weiner out of San Francisco that says single family homes are immoral - and he’s doing everything he can to change that, he is personally responsible for zoning now controlled by the state instead of locally. Big developers love this, b/c they can now build apartment buildings in areas once zoned for single family homes - if they agree to Section 8 set-asides, they get density bonuses.

This is to move niggers and illegals into White neighborhoods in order to destroy them.


and not one of our elected officials is stopping foreigners from buying-up our property.


There’s no shortage of jobs here in LA. Carl’s Junior is paying $16 an hour plus free Hamburgers. Having said that, the landlords and building owners here are among the greediest and most despicable people on earth. (Mine is a rare exception.) The rents are sky high and going higher every day.

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