Leaked Video Shows Twitter Executives Plotting Global Censorship

Originally published at: Leaked Video Shows Twitter Executives Plotting Global Censorship | Infostormer.com

Project Veritas has published a second video leaked from a whistleblower inside of Twitter showing Jack Dorsey and members of his executive team plotting their bizarre thought censorship agenda. The video features Vijaya Gadde a terrible Indian woman who is in charge of Twitter’s “public safety.” She describes the thought process that went into banning Donald Trump and QAnon accounts along with a plan to implement similar censorship practices on a global scale. Their activist employees also apparently wrote a letter demanding Trump be banned off the site.

The video reveals these people to be outright lunatics. They seem to actually believe that censoring speech they disagree with will help prevent real world violence.

This is obviously wrong. Censoring speech only increases the possibility of violence because people who have an outlet to express grievances are able to express their unhappiness in a non-violent way. Remove access to that outlet only causes anger and contempt from the person or group that was banned.

And with everything going on in the world today with the virus hoax, lockdowns, economic collapse etc.. censoring people’s ability to communicate is the exact opposite of what you’d want to do if your goal was to reduce violent outcomes. What they are doing only increases the possibility of violent outcomes.

Remember the Iranian woman who went to YouTube’s HQ and shot a bunch of people after they were fucking around with her account? That’s just one example.

It’s absolutely insane that this ridiculous Indian woman is in a position where she can determine who is and isn’t allowed on the digital public square. Who the hell does she thinks she is?

Twitter should be deleted off the Internet for claiming to be a platform while acting as a publisher. On top of that, all these thought policing assholes should be arrested and tried for treason against America and crimes relating to their interference in the 2020 election. These people are evil scum.


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