Lawsuit to Stop Border Wall Rejected

Originally published at: Lawsuit to Stop Border Wall Rejected |

A lawsuit trying to stop the border wall project by claiming it violates environmental standards and states rights has been rejected. Ironically, the judge in the case is the same judge involved in the Trump University case.


A U.S. judge on Tuesday sided with President Donald Trump’s administration and rejected an attempt by the state of California and environmental groups to stop the government from building a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico.

The lawsuit filed in a San Diego federal court alleged that Trump’s proposed wall violates federal environmental standards, as well as constitutional provisions regarding the separation of powers and states’ rights.

The plaintiffs asked U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel to stop the administration from pursuing the barrier until it demonstrates compliance with environmental laws.

The wall, a key item for Trump’s political base of supporters, has become a sticking point in talks to keep alive a federal program that protects from deportation young people who were brought to the United States illegally as children.

In his latest budget proposal to Congress, Trump requested $23 billion for border security, most of it for building the wall.

Curiel said his decision on Tuesday was not based on whether the underlying decisions to construct the wall “are politically wise or prudent.” Rather, Curiel said the Trump administration had not exceeded its legal authority in pursuing the project.

The judge surprisingly made the proper decision. Nations have borders and nations have the right to protect their borders from invaders. Environmental regulations are secondary to this. Immigration and national security are also not issues delegated to the states.

The Democrats are flailing around trying to find any way they can to stop Trump’s agenda. It’s completely ridiculous. They hate America and should just leave the country. If they do not do this soon, they are going to eventually end up in concentration camps for treason.


You’d think environmentalists would support construction of the wall, because the millions of filthy wetbacks sneaking in here are damaging the border area’s fragile desert ecosystem. But since environmental groups like the Sierra Club rely heavily on support from billionaire globalists their priorities have been rearranged.