Kutcher and Kunis Apologize for Supporting Danny Masterson

Originally published at: Kutcher and Kunis Apologize for Supporting Danny Masterson | Infostormer.com

After Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis wrote letters in support of rape hoax victim Danny Masterson, they put out a video apologizing if they hurt anybody’s feelings for supporting Masterson. You can judge for yourself, but they look like hostages who shot the apology video under some type of duress.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis apologize for writing letters in support of Danny Masterson. pic.twitter.com/PDHiQRZ0CH

— Pop Base (@PopBase) September 9, 2023

As I discussed yesterday, the rape charges against Masterson are comical. The alleged rapes happened back in the early 2000s and the sluts didn’t report the alleged raping until 2017.

This entire rape hoax industry is a farce. Charging men with rape solely based on the word of a woman with no other evidence is insane. Unfortunately, this insanity has become institutionalized inside this demonic Jewish system.

There’s nothing else I can say about this. It’s not good. Kutcher and Kunis owed nobody an apology for supporting their friend who is simply the victim of an insane system.


The liberal Hollywood ZOG blacklisted them from the set and so they now go into super-cuck mode… Remember, Hollywood Jews are still sensitive about the Harvey Weinstein issue . and that came on the heals of The Epstein Affair. So they don’t want their goyim actors drawing any more attention to the depravity of their profession and race.


They heard the words, ‘you’ll never work in this town again!’

At least Kutcher did. They’ll always find a place for Kunis.


If you want to work in this town again you better apologize or else. I’m sure it went something like that.


It doesn’t seem right that the alleged victims can remain anonymous while the guy being accused is put on public display whether he’s guilty or not. Just another example of the anti-White male culture we live in.

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Blink twice if you’re doing this under duress!

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