Koreans Hold Surprise Meeting

Originally published at: Koreans Hold Surprise Meeting | Infostormer.com

The leaders of North and South Korea met for a second time in a surprise meeting.

This might be wishful thinking, but if the two Koreas can sort out their differences on their own, it really won’t matter what chicanery we see from people like John Bolton. They are one group of people who have been artificially divided for far too long.

But either way, it looks like the summit between North Korea and the United States is back on. Even Donald Trump has indicated that this is the case.

This surprise meeting between the Koreas appears to be more preparation for the big event that’s still to come. All we can do is hope for the best.


My Cadillac is in the shop -again- and even if it wasn’t I’m not going to pay 4 bucks a gallon to get stuck in holiday weekend traffic on the George Washington Bridge. That being the case, I am going to be in my penthouse suite just below the helipad on top of the PAN AM building in Midtown for the next few days, shitpoasting up a storm.

Hopefully the two Koreas can resolve their problems without getting Drumpf or President Bolton involved. Because those two jerks would definitely mess things up, with Bolton doing so on purpose.

Herr Span, If it will help, I’ll send you over this fancy new TRS80 complete with two floppy drives.trs

Reunification needs to happen. Imagine if the civil war never ended. No more brother wars. It is always a sad day when family fights. The one exception would be niggs. Because they don’t know who their family members are, that’s why they call people who look like them brotha.