Kook Judge Orders Full Restart of DACA

Originally published at: Kook Judge Orders Full Restart of DACA | Infostormer.com

A kook judge named John Bates just ruled that the Trump administration must fully restart DACA because he didn’t like their reason for ending it.

This judge is a total fucking nut. He’s basically saying that the President of the United States can’t issue executive orders unless the judiciary approves of the reason for each specific order. The judiciary has no grounds on this issue. It is vast judicial overreach.

DACA began as a program implemented by Barack Obama through an executive order to give illegal alien children the right to stay in the country. He had no lawful authority from Congress to issue this order. Therefore the order is unconstitutional. Trump was merely rescinding what was an unconstitutional order.

I also wrote up a short article about this on the Daily Stormer. The whole situation is ridiculous. All of these DACA illegal aliens need to be sent back to where they came from. I couldn’t give a flying fuck about them or their feelings.


This is a gross usurpation of executive power. And if this judge doesn’t understand the role of the courts any better than that, then he should be removed. How can he preside in a court room if his judgement is so poor?


Indeed, the thought process from this kook judge is nigger-tier.


Shortly after Bill Clinton took office he ordered the justice dept. to send out a letter to ALL federal prosecutors which demanded their resignations. They were then replaced with political appointees. This probably goes some way towards explaining our current problems with the judiciary; but it also illustrates the power of the Chief Executive.

Please, Mr. President, don’t tolerate this bullshit. The people support you.


I hope Trump just ignores judge john master bates and acts like he doesn’t exist. And as far as Dreamers go, all they dream about is free stuff and making the us a bigger shit hole like mexico. This picture illustrates what mexicans think of the US.


They look more Indian than Mexican. What was the point of mount Rushmore anyways? How much did it cost?

President Trump must defy him.

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Because they are. Mexican nationals can be tricky to figure out,unless you’re somewhat familiar with them.

There are a fair number that are White. Not a monstrous big number,but enough of them to make up what we’d call a managerial class-bankers,engineers,telecom and IT types,etc. You don’t see these folks hopping off the Conejo at the bus stop,because life in Mexico is ok for them,and they have no reason to leave.

Then you get the Mestizos-mixed blood from Whites and injuns. Dark haired,dark eyed(usually),but there’s quite a bit of variation. This is the stereotype that comes to everyone’s mind when they think “Mexican.”

Then you got the full blood Indios. More-or-less pure injuns from the back of the beyond in the interior of the country,and a lot of these types don’t even speak Spanish. They still talk back and forth in various injun dialects,and don’t grok tech past the level of a lawnmower.

The problem is that every damn one of them seems to hate us more than they dislike each other,and way too many of them won’t stay put in Mexico,where they belong.

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@somedaysoon Most of Mexshitco is Mestizo, but around 20% are Castizos and the rest are New World Indians. Of course there is also a tiny but disproportionately powerful and wealthy minority of jews as well.

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When it comes to dealing with Federal judges who get in his way Trump should follow Old Hickory’s sterling example:
