Klaus Schwab Says Future is Being Built By Us

Originally published at: Klaus Schwab Says Future is Being Built By Us | Infostormer.com

Klaus Schwab is in Davos telling a bunch of Jews and elitist scum that they’re building the future.

NEW – Klaus Schwab tells attendees at his World Economic Forum in Davos that "the future is being built by us." pic.twitter.com/yIqB4jclNd

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) May 23, 2022

Are you?

Are you really Schwab?

Seems like a number of your plans for the future aren’t going so well. The coronavirus hoax ran into all sorts of roadblocks and Russia has taken back huge parts of territory in the eastern parts of Ukraine. It’s only a matter of time before China takes back Taiwan. Meanwhile the West’s economy is collapsing and with it the West’s ability to project power.

What’s your next move? Cyberattacks? Climate change fuckery? Third world war against Russia and China at the same time? Monkeypox vaccines?

Plus, you still have way too many useless eaters running around. They’re not dying fast enough from your COVID-19 injections. Your plan to put everybody into living pods where they will eat bugs while hooked up to virtual reality headsets playing porn 24/7 is not going so well dude.

I’m not sure how you are going to make people own nothing and be happy by 2030. Why don’t you just quit your world domination schemes, buy some high priced hookers, have some fun and relax. You might as well enjoy your time on earth before you are sent to hell.

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