Kirsten Gillibrand Drops Out of Presidential Race

Originally published at: Kirsten Gillibrand Drops Out of Presidential Race |

Democrat presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand has dropped out of the race. This has made Donald Trump very happy as he viewed her as one of his top political opponents.

A sad day for the Democrats, Kirsten Gillibrand has dropped out of the Presidential Primary. I’m glad they never found out that she was the one I was really afraid of!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 28, 2019

This is really quite a shame though. I was seriously considering endorsing this empowered and brave feminist cunt because I thought she could take down the evil racist orange man.

Looks like I was wrong. Guess I’ll have to find somebody else to endorse now.


Early rumors that Gillibrand had committed suicide were fueled by this picture of her on her back. This was later shown to be a cleverly shopped image.

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You can’t vote for anyone running!!

I refuse to waste my time with that trusty ballot on anyone who votes to give Izzy our tax money or takes an oath to protect and support izzy NOT America.

A few years ago Biden even convinced Obama to give $12 million to the POOR AMERICAN JEWS!!! Did he give an equal amount to the poorest food banks? Public schools? Native Americans? Fuq NO! Sanders has said he admires & respects Netanyahu. They all vote to give Izzy YOUR money, next time you open your wallet & hear a vacuum noise you can thank Izzy.

If Israel is so poor {BS} that they need our taxpayers money then why do they continue to be able to host all US politicians on free trips to IzzyLand to be dined, wined and 69ed? They try to answer this ? with, “AIPAC” pays for it, again, I call BS! Izzy even steals all of the holocaust reparation money {from Germany, France, etc.} from survivors who go without food & medicine…that comes from newspaper in their own country so if you run into anyone talking about “THE HOLOCAUST” the horror, the shame, the suffering…yawn. Tell them to fix it in their own effing country and get the hell out of mine & America’s wallet…it IS just a welfare check to our enemies.

Why should Americans continue eating top ramen for dinner while buying steak for Netanyahu? Our people deserve better.

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@infostormer INVICTVS MMXX.