Kike Rosenstein Says He's Going to Resign but Doesn't

Originally published at: Kike Rosenstein Says He’s Going to Resign but Doesn’t |

So the kike weasel Rod Rosenstein is playing more games. There were reports today that he was going to resign his office but then changed his mind and wants to talk to Donald Trump about it. The two are apparently going to meet this Thursday.


Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein remains in his job, after reports on Monday said he had resigned or offered to do so.

The White House said Donald Trump and Rosenstein had “an extended conversation” about news stories published last week reporting that Rosenstein discussed with colleagues secretly recording Trump or having him removed from office.

The two plan to meet on Thursday, after the president’s return from a United Nations general assembly meeting in New York, press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement. Sanders said the meeting was at Rosenstein’s request.

The White House did not comment on reports Rosenstein expected to be fired imminently or had resigned.

The deputy attorney general oversees the investigation of Russian election interference and links between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

The New York Times reported last week that he discussed secretly recording the president and invoking the 25th amendment to remove Trump from office. Rosenstein said the report was “inaccurate”.

It's looking increasingly more likely that the report by the New York Times regarding Rosenstein was a kike trick. It's put Trump in a position where he looks weak by not firing Rosenstein for undermining him but if he fires him than the kike media will claim he's interfering in the Russia hoax investigation. And who knows what Robert Mueller is planning to drop in the weeks before the election.

It still seems like the best move is for Trump to just wait this out until after the election but this has obviously made the decision more difficult. Getting Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court is definitely the most important thing right now and Rosenstein’s days are numbered either way. Even anti-Trump Republican cucks are starting to say that Rosenstein needs to go.

But this Jew Rosenstein is such a fucking rat. This is clearly all part of a Jewish conspiracy against Trump. And Jeff Sessions? As usual, he’s nowhere to be found. His ass needs to be fired along with Rosenstein.


The last thing we can expect from this creature is the truth.

It’s a problem when there is only a small pool of suitable candidates for a particular position and you are left with making a bad choice or a worse one. Trumps best option would be to appoint an assistant to the Deputy who is responsible for making sure requests from various committees are fulfilled on time. This would effectively neuter the juden worms subversion and humiliate him at the same time.

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