Kavanaugh's Accuser Won't Testify Until FBI Investigates Her Claims!

Originally published at: Kavanaugh’s Accuser Won’t Testify Until FBI Investigates Her Claims! | Infostormer.com

The Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation process has been turned into a total circus by insane Democrats. Kavanaugh has some crazy womyn named Christine Blasey Ford’claiming that he groped her at a party over 30 years ago. The womyn is now refusing to testify in front of the Senate Judicial Committee unless the FBI looks into her claims!

The FBI is not going to look into a claim that is over 30 years old. This is political posturing designed to delay the entire process. Donald Trump has rightly rejected these calls for the FBI to look into Kavanaugh.

The fact of the matter is that her claims are complete bullshit. If they were true, why not testify? Why the games?

Even the Jew Dianne Feinstein says she’s not sure if Ford is being 100 percent truthful.

And get this, the Jew-run network of CNN is trying to claim that an innocent joke by Kavanaugh back in 2015 is proof that he’s hiding something.

These people are going nuts all to try and prevent a relative moderate from ascending to the Supreme Court. They should give it up. Kavanaugh is going to help overturn Roe v. Wade and dumb sluts will no longer be able to have an abortion on demand around the country. There is nothing they can do to stop this.

And here’s some advice to all you faggots and sluts resisting and obstructing this process.



That mentally unstable dingbat has the option of not testifying before Congress if she doesn’t want to? How does that work?


The Jews are getting desperate - nothing came out of the Judiciary Committee so they had to come up with a desperate Hail Mary pass to delay or stop the seating of Kavanaugh. Their playbook is to delay the confirmation until after the mid-term election when they hope to pick up enough seats to block any/all Trump’s appointees to the highest court.

So typical - while credible accusations against Bill Clinton for rape and groping were justified and explained away, the women called deranged, mentally ill or unstable.

Ditto for Kennedy:


Anything to spin out time and delay the inevitable.


There’s nothing to investigate. Kavanagh dindu nuffin!


So true. Bill Clinton’s shenanigans are the stuff of legend and he is seen as some sort of hero by the leftists. Kavanaugh represents the end of abortion, the building of the wall, the end of illegal immigration, and the immunity that scum like John McCain and the Clinton’s, as well as the deep state in general, enjoy. These are all the things liberals hold dear. This man will at least try to put a stop to the insanity and the left is losing its mind over it. Even the deep state could see a massive swamp drainage and this is why they have to try to take this man down. Folks I predict this next election will be the nastiest and most negative and personal one ever but REMEMBER the law was struck down to make it illegal to investigate vote fraud and it was the Dems that brought this in in 1982. They now can be investigated and prosecuted for election fraud. In my humble opinion it is not looking too good for them but there will undoubtedly be a nasty backlash over all this. They will show their true evil side yet.


((((( Debra Katz )))))) (((((Dianne Feinstein)))))



Need I say more ?


Well it does seem the Libtard deep state will go to any length to avoid his appointment to the Supreme Court.
IDK if this is legitimate or not, original post from Sorrcha Faal’s site. However it does seem to be plausible.

Apparently the accuser has a family history with the CIA. Hmmmm?

I hate CIA niggers, they glow in the dark.

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Left-tism always implodes in on itself - as it did in the old Soviet System - because it is unsustainable and goes against human nature.

Unfortunately, before the fall, there will be a lot of bloodshed - as there was in the USSR before things started to right themselves - after 60+ million people were liquidated. Same process here.

These people are truly evil, and will lose in the end - they just won’t go down without a bloody fight.

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