Judge Orders White House to Restore Jim Acosta's Press Pass

Originally published at: Judge Orders White House to Restore Jim Acosta’s Press Pass | Infostormer.com

A federal judge has temporarily ordered the fake news agitator and employee of Jew-run CNN to have his White House press pass restored. The judge cited the First Amendment and Fifth Amendment but primarily based his ruling around the Fifth Amendment. It’s an unbelievably dumb ruling as nobody has a Constitutional right to White House press credentials. I go into more details about it in my Daily Stormer article explaining why this is such a stupid ruling.

Acosta for two years has behaved not as a journalist but as a political activist and agitator. Trump was right to have him banned.

The ruling stated that the White House needs to have a defined set of rules for reporters at press conferences. Trump has said that they’re in the process of drafting those rules.

It looks like he’s going to try to get the reporters to police their own behavior. Not sure how well that will work, but we’ll see in due time. He should make the rules as restrictive as possible to enforce a proper level of decorum.

And as entertaining as it is to see Trump go back and forth with some of these assholes in the Jewish fake news complex, there’s better ways for him to get his message out than through these fools who are only out to make him look bad.

It’s honestly hard to say if these press conferences are a net positive or a net negative. Maybe scaling these types of things back would be the best move.

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What fucking Jew even came up with the ridiculous idea of ‘Accredited Journalist’?


The judge that ordered Acosta’s press pass restored was appointed by Trump. How ironic is that?


I saw that CNN was claiming that Acosta suffered “Irreparable harm”. What a joke. But Trump should absolutely grant WH Press Credentials to Alex Jones. I haven’t watched anything with Alex Jones since his little set-to with that fat Turk Cenk Uygur at the Republican convention in July of 2016; but I’d like to see Acosta try to push Alex around.

In the meantime, that is, until Acosta’s Credentials are finally & permanently revoked, I hope that the Secret Service will do everything in their power to protect the President from this obviously deranged & dangerous person. They should strip search Jim Acosta anytime he sets foot on WH grounds; and this must include a full cavity search. There’s no telling what he might have in there. And it’s winter now, so they can do this slowly & carefully in a nice cold room.


Trump seems to like cucking. Oh well, another faggot president.


@Svigor One of the judges Trump appointed basically humiliated him by “ordering” Jim the Accoster to be allowed back in the WH press room. I really can’t take Trump seriously. But who knows, maybe he’ll surprise us all and crown himself Emperor like Napoleon did.

Nope. The humiliation only starts when you honor such scheisse from such cretins.

They need to make me PotUS. STG I’d tell that judge to go fuck himself. I’d be bantzing him: “come up here and make me. Bring your gavel, bitch.”