Jordan Peterson Attacks Anonymous Internet Users

Originally published at: Jordan Peterson Attacks Anonymous Internet Users |

Jordan Peterson who was recently reinstated on Twitter is attacking anonymous Internet users. He’s apparently been getting into fights with random people in YouTube comment sections. These fights have made him very angry, so he’s posted a poll on his Twitter feed calling anonymous Internet users “cowardly troll demons” because they don’t agree with everything he says.

By failing to separate the anonymous cowardly troll demons from real people in the comments section @youtube and other SM platforms are enabling sadistic Machiavellian psychopaths and narcissists

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 7, 2022

"I'm only anonymous so I can continue to do good." Excuse my skepticism, sunshine. It's just not likely that you're that good…

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 7, 2022

Just hours after ranting about how evil anonymous Internet users are, he complained about how people around the world were losing their privacy.

Bye bye privacy. Oh well. We'll emit less plant-nourishing carbon when we can't go anywhere. Or do anything.

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 7, 2022

This is a total contradiction.

So what side are you taking Jordan? You can’t have privacy without allowing people to post things anonymously on the Internet.

In the current situation, there is nothing cowardly about posting things on the Internet anonymously. It’s actually prudent considering you can have your life ruined for your political beliefs. The Founding Fathers wrote materials under pen names for this very reason.

From what I understand Peterson is now working for the Jew Ben Shapiro and the Daily Wire which may explain his erratic behavior.

Either that or he’s been popping pills again.

He’s been whining about anti-Semitism.

Jews are canaries in the social coal mine. When anti-semitism becomes a moral necessity (even in its subtler forms) hell is about to make its appearance yet again.

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) November 29, 2022

He also did an interview with Benjamin Netanyahu for them.

"The Jews have taken the land and made something of it."

Jordan Peterson interviews Benjamin Netanyahu for the Israeli intelligence-linked platform, The Daily Wire.

— MintPress News (@MintPressNews) December 6, 2022

I always found Peterson to be a highly questionable figure but all this is just a bit too much. Looks like he’s sold his soul completely.


Excellent point… Peterson pretends that patriots aren’t being tortured in an American Gulag, stripped of their constitutional rights by a Jew-run government that is desperate to do the same to all who expose their treachery.

as most do which is why they vociferously denounce those who do not.

I like how I can let people know what I think without also knowing who I am. It’s the ideas that matter and not the person.

(((They))) only want to doxx people so as to silence opinions. That is all. There is zero good faith on (((their))) part.

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