John McCain's Cancer Infested Corpse is Finally Buried

Originally published at: John McCain’s Cancer Infested Corpse is Finally Buried |

After a long agonizing week, the Zionist traitor John McCain finally had his cancer infested corpse buried. It’d be interesting to know how many millions of dollars were spent on this ridiculous week long spectacle. I’m sure the McCain family picked up the full tab right? lol

Even though his corpse has been buried at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, his remains will eventually be dug up. Once dug up, they will be placed in a more suitable location fitting of a man of his caliber. A landfill or a toxic waste dump are two possibilities. Or who knows, maybe we’ll just dump his remains in the Atlantic Ocean.

Until that time comes, I think I might take a trip to Annapolis so I can personally take a piss on his grave. I doubt I’m the only one contemplating this. McCain was an evil anti-American piece of shit and the world is better off that he is dead.

Now that McCain is finally gone, we can get back to the business of making America great again.


A NY Post photo of the Globalist Jewfest that was the John ‘USS Forrestal’ McCain funeral. The $$$Resistance$$$ was out in force for this one.


That this Israel-first traitor who killed way more of his Navy comrades than he ever did the enemy is considered a “hero” in the US shows just how fucked up this country really is.


McCain deserves a traitors sendoff, not a hero’s. His coffin should be lit on fire and kicked into the Gulf of Tonkin by the families of the sailors he killed on the USS Forrestal.

It shows the dishonesty of the scumbag media by calling him a hero when he was anything but one. He made over 30 propaganda tapes for the Vietnamese, he gave away bombing locations, his actions aboard the USS Forrestal, his loyalty to a foreign state (Israel) and many other acts of treason that we don’t know about.

McCain’s funeral was one last FU to the American people as he sticks them with the bill one last time. Rot in hell, you traitor!


I’ve never seen more ideological public funerals in the US than the burial of Songbird McCain and that fat screeching negress. On the same day, no less!

Thank God it will soon be forgotten. The only good to come out these “untimely deaths” (as in the deaths took too long) for me, is using them to black pill bugmen at my office. I kept bringing up McCain’s shady war record, backing Islamic terror, dumping his crippled first wife, etc, and Urethra Franklin’s 4 kids by 4 fathers, her own father impregnating a 12 year old when he was about 35 or so, and so on. I’ve learned how to make it seem as if I just stumbled on this info and I’m just curious about it. It drives those faggots crazy. They have to twist themselves in moral knots.


Aye, same here, zio mouth-organ BBC are stating he’s a war hero without saying what he did to be hero. Am glad for you that he’s dead :slight_smile:



I’m genuinely saddened by the death of Senator McPrick. Up until the end I was hoping that he was going to be executed instead of keeling over from natural causes.:cry:


Slick Willie, Gropin’ Joe Biden, Mike the Kike Bloomberg…All of ZOG’s biggest war criminals gathered under one roof during that service. Unfortunately, they all came out alive. :rage:


I wonder WTF this pompous spectacle cost the taxpayers, no doubt?


the Swamp Creatures are playing this to the hilt. 9/11 truthers are closing in on them and their fake news cohorts. when this happens there will be a sea change in America and around the world.


What on earth did he do to rate a funeral like this? I assume the taxpayers will be picking up the tab.


He was a High Priest in the ZOG Illluminati Death Cult


Heck,the President authorized military transport for the corpse,if I read some articles right,and remembered correctly.

That isn’t exactly cheap,even at military pay scales. Add in all the rest of that Punch&Judy show,and us zeks are out many shekels.

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We couldn’t afford a simple military parade, but no problem with this vulgar spectacle.


Don’t worry the chef cut away the cancerous parts




Just imagine an AIPAC convention… even more trash in one place!!