Joe Rogan is a Race Traitor

A while back Rogan was interviewing someone who mentioned that Whites in America are slated to be the minority race to which Rogan replied: “I can’t wait…”.

So now I find another video of Rogan using racial slurs against White People with a pic of some good looking, young country Whites drinking beer and having fun. They aren’t plotting to shoot-up the school bus stop like the Niggers yet Rogan refers to them as “White Trash”.

Now this video short isn’t of the original Rogan post and it looks like he spliced in the pic of White People but I don’t know for sure but it looks like the youtuber is actually calling-out Rogan for BEING WRONG.

Rogan The Race Traitor is bought and paid for by Jews to disparage his own race. It’s almost like he was waiting for a chance to say “White Trash”. Notice too that JewTube allows racial slurs against Whites but not Niggers. Nigger is the verbal equivalent of White Trash.

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