Joe Biden Claims He'll Cure Cancer if Elected President

Originally published at: Joe Biden Claims He’ll Cure Cancer if Elected President |

Yesterday, I saw Shmuley Ben Shekelheim’s story talking about how Joe Biden told people that he was going to cure cancer if he gets elected President. I had first assumed that this was satire and did not bother watching the video. I could not conceptualize how somebody even as dumb as Biden would say something so insane.

Boy was I wrong. I underestimated the insanity of this man. He literally said this during a campaign speech. You can watch the video for yourself.

The craziest thing is how the people cheered and applauded when he said this. It’s as if these people think that Biden has some type of magic powers. But if he did have magic powers to cure cancer, why doesn’t he just use these magic powers to cure cancer right now? Why would he need to be elected President in order to cure cancer if he has such powers?

Or hell, why didn’t he cure cancer when he was Vice President? Or how about when he was a Senator for 40 whatever years.

WTF is going on here? Everything is just too crazy for me to comprehend. Is all this madness supposed to be some weird test? Is this shit real?


Well, not getting the cure for cancer is a small price to pay for not getting Joe Biden.


Here’s a jew who claims to be able to cure cancer - for a fee! He’s introduced by another jew, a boxer who ironically calls himself “White tiger” and has the name Michael English.


They cure cancer all the time. It’s just fucking expensive.


Hey Joe why not try to do something useful like cure pedophilia. And you can start with yourself.


Great - like the Boomers aren’t sticking around long enough as it is.

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As usual, Biden cannot come up with an original statement.




Probably he will tell the people that he can cure cancer personally by grabbing them.