Joe Biden caused the FBI raid on Trump, lied about it Repeatedly

Joe Biden authorized the FBI raid on Trump, lied about it Repeatedly

And he is still lying about it.

We all knew this but I think I will tell a fking traitor Biden voter today that their president is an Asshole who lies all the time… In addition to being totally corrupt and ZOG controlled.

(Biden requested the record BEFORE the raid and was the reason for the raid)
(the FBI raid was in AUGUST)

He lies all the time, so what else has he lied about? Everything?
Is there any question he lied about the Nord stream pipeline?

and lets not even start with his kickbacks and embezzlements from his dealings

This guy is the biggest piece of shit of all time

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Wow what a coincidence huh that he should be assigned such a Judge? It almost seems like someone paid or bribed to have him assigned the worst Judge possible, doesn’t it?

These people in NYC and Biden admin are ALL on the take big time from some type of person or group that will pay ANY amount to have their Anti-Trump agenda realized.