Jews Whine About Rising Jew Hate in Germany

Originally published at: Jews Whine About Rising Jew Hate in Germany |

Jews all over pushed the idea that Europe should be flooded with monkeys from the third world. Said monkeys are now in Germany promoting Jew hatred and the Jews are all butt hurt about it.

Perhaps the Jews should have reconsidered supporting this agenda to flood Europe with third world hordes. They're complaining that the third world hordes who have been brought into Germany are burning Israeli flags and expressing hate towards Jews. They're also whining about a resurgence in German nationalism. Poor Jews!

USA Today:

When telecommunications manager Mikhail Tanaev emigrated to Germany in 1998 from his native Russia as a teen, his Jewish faith didn't matter to classmates or neighbors.

That’s because Germany has taken extraordinary steps since the end of World War II to atone for the Holocaust and prevent anti-Semitism from taking hold again. The country has paid reparations to Jewish victims of Nazi persecution, erected dozens of memorials to those murdered and turned anti-Semitic speech into a crime.

Yet Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision in 2015 to open the nation’s arms to 1 million mostly Muslim refugees has created a double threat for Germany’s roughly 120,000 Jews: rising anti-Semitism from the newcomers and a resurgent right-wing nationalist movement spawned by the arrival of so many immigrants.

The anti-Semitic sentiment has become more pubic and virulent, said Tanaev, 32. “When I arrived in Germany … I never saw such displays.”

Last week, thousands of protesters in Berlin burned Israeli flags to protest President Trump’s controversial decision on Dec. 7 to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The flag-burning prompted a national outcry.

Why don’t you kikes go back to Israel? Nobody believes in your stupid gas chamber hoax of 60 trillion and these third word populations certainly don’t give a shit about it either. Good luck teaching these low IQ monkeys about your retarded soap and lampshade hoax. I don’t think any of them care. They hate your kind and you were stupid enough to push propaganda that allowed them into Europe. Do you really expect anybody to feel sorry for your situation?

It is time for a ban of all racial Jews in Europe. Adolf Hitler had the right idea about these slimy rats.


A rise of hatred for Jews in the Fatherland. No cant be. Even the shitskins want them out. Ironically?


If Prussia can somehow be restored to the Reich…then put the Hohenzollerns back on the throne, even if only in a ceremonial capacity…and then change the national flag back to its true colors of black, white and red…



The jews can always scurry off to Palestine if the Mohammedans get too unpleasant for them in Europe. But where do displaced White Europeans have to go?


Will it be right next to the lampshade and soap museums?

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like i’ve said before, the importation of millions of muslims to the West is going to be the ONLY way to rid the world of the jew-bankster infestation… i recently talked to an Arab dude from Egypt. he told me that they have strict laws prohibiting jews from certain economic activities. The Arabs aren’t being conned by Jew Banksters like we are in The West. they will have NONE OF IT… as it stands, the only option for white people to be free from the Federal Reserve jew-scourge is to import more Arabs. ironic ain’t it… white people need Arabs to be free.