Jews Whine About "Great Leaders" Book Including Hitler

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An Indian book publisher has got a bunch of Jews angry at them for a book entitled “Great Leaders” because the book includes Adolf Hitler as one of the great leaders.

USA Today:

Indian publisher Pegasus landed itself in hot water this week when it emerged that it's "Great Leaders" book for children included Adolf Hitler.

Pictured alongside freedom fighters Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, the book chose Hitler as one of the "powerful world leaders who have dedicated their lives to the betterment of their countries and the people living in them."

Also included in the book are current Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, controversial Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi and President Barack Obama.

"Dedicated to the betterment of countries and people? Adolf Hitler? This description would bring tears of joy to the Nazis and their racist neo-Nazi heirs," said Abraham Cooper of the Jewish human rights organization the Wiesenthal Center.

"Placing Hitler alongside truly great political and humanitarian leaders is an abomination that is made worse as it targets young people with little or no knowledge of world history and ethics," Cooper said.

You kikes really need to just shut the fuck up. Nobody gives a shit about your whining. Adolf Hitler did not stuff millions of your degenerate tribe into fake shower room gas chambers. Nobody believes your lies nor do they care about your retarded Holocaust hoax.

The so-called Holocaust was only crammed down the throats of Whites in White nations. The Indians don’t give a fuck about all this soap and lampshade shit.

But Hitler was a great leader. He made Germany a world power in a short period of time. This is why the Jews did everything in their power to destroy Germany. They could not have a strong independent nation opposing their international kikery.


Hitler was a champion of White civilization, yet it’s the non-White world that regards him as a hero. He should be thought of as a great political and military leader, no different from Napoleon, Alexander and Caesar.


“When all its work is done, the lie shall rot;
The truth is great and shall prevail,
When none cares whether it prevail or not.”-- Coventry Patmore


So why is Hitler considered to be evil? Because he found a way to free the people from being slaves to the Jews. Because he found a way to create a better world, free from Zionists.



Love how the yids always preface their racist hate groups with ‘Jewish’. What is a Jewish human rights organization? Is a Jewish human different from a normal human? Why are they segregating themselves from regular everyday humans. Are their hearts so full of hate and fear that they must reject non Jews by the implication that if you’re not a Hebrew you’re not welcome? Isn’t that a bit racist Shlomo?
Have you ever noticed that Jews are like Vegans, they can’t go 5 minutes without letting you know they are one.


Let’s hope we soon see names like this in every town.


Adolph Hitler. A MAN for all seasons. A Man for all times. He was & will always be the FUHRER.


Should have known that NYT Jewish warmonger David (both of my sons are in the IDF) Brooks would be telling Americans what parts of their history was ok to recognize and respect. The slimy foreign agent has the nerve to say he is against rewriting history while he rewrites history. What a Jew.


After doing some research,it’s true that Street shitters seem to be redpilled
