Jews to Hold White House Roundtable on Anti-Semitism

Originally published at: Jews to Hold White House Roundtable on Anti-Semitism |

The Jews are going to hold some circle jerk roundtable with the White House to discuss rising anti-Semitism.

We welcome the @WhiteHouse’s decision to convene this much-needed roundtable to address rising #antisemitism. Now is the time for a national strategy to tackle this growing threat and we look forward to the critical conversation.

— ADL (@ADL) December 5, 2022

This is just absurd.

This powerful group of Jews who have control over the most important organizations and institutions in the West, want to hold a roundtable to complain about how people are saying mean things about them.

This does not help advance the conversation. It’s just another exercise of Jewish whining. If they wanted this to be a real roundtable, they’d invite the people who they claim are anti-Semites for an honest and open discussion. They are not going to do that because they do not want this discussion to happen.

Take in point how that weasel Jew Ben Shapiro refuses to debate Nick Fuentes.

Nick Fuentes challenges Ben Shapiro to a debate. @benshapiro

— Reactionary Groyper YE24 (@groypergreen07) December 3, 2022

What we really need is a roundtable discussing the hatred and abuse Jews have directed towards non-Jews and in particular WHITE people. The only reason people are saying negative things about Jews is because of their immoral and evil behavior.

I mean, what are people supposed to say when a fat Jew like Ethan Klein talks about how he’s going to perform a mock execution of Jesus Christ on Christmas? That’s one of the most hateful and disrespectful things you could do towards Christians.

Podcaster Ethan Klein says he will perform a mock-execution of Jesus on Christmas dedicated to Nick

— Ethan Ralph (@TheRalphRetort) December 5, 2022

Or how about the Jew-run crypto exchange of FTX? What are people supposed to say about this Jew scammer Sam Bankman-Fried who took customer funds, gambled with them and bought off politicians? Despite his obvious criminality, he is still walking free because of his privileged status as a Jew. Are we just supposed to just ignore all of this out of fear of being labeled an anti-Semite?

It's Monday December 5, 2022 and Sam Bankman-Fried is still free in the Bahamas.

Let that sink in.

— Hedgeye (@Hedgeye) December 5, 2022

Those are just two recent examples of Jewish behavior that I and others have been talking about.

These Jews have forfeited any right to power. Especially if they are unwilling to at minimum have any sort of honest and open discussion about their power.

Look Jews, nobody cares if you call us anti-Semites or whatever. We are going to have this public conversation about Jewish power, regardless of if you want to be a part of it or not. Your one-sided circle jerk sessions on anti-Semitism with the ADL is not going to change this.

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Only the jews could convene a meeting at the White House. More proof of their power, I wish all these kikes would move to Isreal.

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