Jews Go Nuts After DOJ Drops Charges Against Michael Flynn

Originally published at: Jews Go Nuts After DOJ Drops Charges Against Michael Flynn |

The Department of Justice has decided not to pursue charges against Michael Flynn.

President Trump reacts to the Flynn charges being dropped:

"He was an innocent man. He is a great gentleman. He was targeted by the Obama Administration… What they've done is a disgrace and I hope a big price is gonna be paid."

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 7, 2020

This news comes after documents were released showing that FBI agents were sent to the White House by then FBI Director James Comey to deliberately entrap him so they could later charge him with “lying to the FBI.” Flynn only pled guilty when he ran out of financial resources to fight the bullshit charges.

The smoking-gun Flynn docs released tonight show that the Obama FBI took the path of trying to entrap @GenFlynn in order to prosecute him or get him fired. @RealDonaldTrump should order DOJ to drop charges AND pardon him. And then appoint a special counsel.

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) April 29, 2020

The lying kike Adam Schiff has been flipping out about this on Twitter going crazy about Bill Barr and the Department of Justice. It’s actually unreal that this Jewish shitbag is still promoting the Russia and Ukraine hoaxes but that’s exactly what he’s doing.

Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his illicit Russian contacts.

His lies do not now become truths.

This dismissal does not exonerate him.

But it does incriminate Bill Barr.

In the worst politicization of the Justice Department in its history.

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) May 7, 2020

Trump’s campaign invited Russian help, made full use of it, then covered it up.

Then, Trump sought more illicit help from Ukraine, leading to his impeachment and a bipartisan vote to convict.

Read just released transcripts from our Russia investigation:

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) May 7, 2020

Of course he wasn’t the only Jew kvetching over this news. Just look at all these kikes whining about this. These Israeli agents are none to happy that their dumb kike hoax has crumbled.

Deactivated my account bc I was so upset about the deadly (lack of) federal response to COVID-19, but the implosion of the Department of Justice with the Flynn dismissal has brought me back.

The once proud DOJ is now nothing but a political arm of Donald Trump.

— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) May 7, 2020

Trump and Bill Barr have legalized treason.

— Grant Stern (@grantstern) May 7, 2020

This is an very troubling development for the country. Stay tuned . . .

— Glenn Kirschner (@glennkirschner2) May 7, 2020

Michael Flynn is a liar, traitor, and foreign agent who sought to sell U.S. foreign policy for profit. He usurped authority from the Obama administration and should be in prison. And—yes—I established this across 2 books, 1,000+ pages, and 7,500 citations.

— Seth Abramson (@🏠) (@SethAbramson) May 7, 2020

So Trump doesn’t need to pardon Flynn; Barr dropped the charge to which Flynn had pled guilty. This is a foretaste of what a second Trump term would be like—the entire executive branch weaponized to help Trump’s friends, punish his enemies, and undermine the rule of law.

— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) May 7, 2020

Warned of DOJ dropping Flynn case in my @nytopinion piece—& explained why there is no legit basis for doing so. This is a perversion of justice:

— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) May 7, 2020

Coming full circle: Barr does what Trump asked Comey to do back in 2017– let Flynn go.

— Michael Isikoff (@Isikoff) May 7, 2020

Trump, drunk with power over the intelligence agencies, will almost certainly welcome back his backchannel Russia apparatchik Michael Flynn. Even replacing Gina Haspel at CIA cannot be ruled out. The treachery would be complete. See this fm @abcnews @KyraPhillips below—>

— Jeff Stein (@SpyTalker) May 7, 2020

Trump & Barr & Flynn & Manafort & Stone & the rest of them…just like their sponsor Putin…are enemies of the United States actively working toward the destruction of our system and our society.

That's no exaggeration. That's where we are. They're traitors & felons all.

— David Rothkopf (@djrothkopf) May 7, 2020

It would be great if Trump brought Flynn back into the administration and tasked him with cleaning house. These kikes would really flip out if he did that. Of course, I’m extremely pessimistic that Trump would do such a thing.

I’m also still skeptical that the people behind the Russia hoax will ever be held to account, but Flynn’s exoneration makes the possibility of this happening a little more likely.


The hypocrisy of these jews is unbelievable .

The shit is starting to shake out now - what a scam the entire “Russiagate” ordeal was. The anti-Trump media coverage certainly didn’t help.

There should be heavy fines, loss of careers and hard prison time for some of these traitors.

But, the media are already downplaying the entire affair. If the parties were reversed, this would be larger than Watergate and hearing would be started by the end of next week,

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