Jews Blamed For Puerto Rico's Economic Difficulties

Originally published at: Jews Blamed For Puerto Rico’s Economic Difficulties |

I missed this story when it came out. It’s a week old but it is still interesting.

The biggest newspaper in Puerto Rico published an article blaming Jews for the island’s economic difficulties.

The Jewish Chronicle:

The most widely read newspaper in Puerto Rico has been criticised for an article blaming “the Jew” for the island’s economic difficulties.

The piece by El Nuevo Día’s columnist Wilda Rodriguez published earlier this week was titled “What does ‘the Jew’ want with the colony?”

It suggested that the US Congress was under Jewish control and “will finally do what ‘the Jew’ wants, as they vulgarly call the prototype of true power.”

The column also claimed Israelis proudly recognise “how the Jews control Washington.”

“For Israelis,” it says, “recognizing Jewish power over the United States is no offense. It is the victory of their diaspora.”

The Anti-Defamation League has published a protest letter it addressed to the newspaper's editor, calling the column “a collection of classic anti-Semitic assertions.”

The letter said: “This is not the first time that confronted with an economic crisis Jews are accused of controlling the power and money. Wilma Rodriguez's column published in your diary follows the worst legacies of anti-Semitic regimes that we would like to have left behind in the 20th century.

“Publishing an article accusing the Jewish people of controlling governments to the detriment of the future of Puerto Rico is practically the definition of antisemitism.”

It looks as if the original story has been removed since the kikes started whining about it. But there's nothing inaccurate about what was said according to all this Jew whining in the article.

Jews and Israel have total control over American foreign policy. All the wars that have been fought for the past several decades have been to benefit Jews in Israel and not Americans in the United States.

And yes, Jews control Congress. If they didn’t have power over Congress, they wouldn’t be voting in favor of every pro-Israel bill that comes their way.

It is also fair to accuse Jews of the economic problems that the island is in. Jews control the banks and use them to push usury scams. That’s why Puerto Rico is in so much debt.

Of course calling Jews out for their crimes and chicanery is always called anti-Semitic by these filthy kikes. And if that doesn’t do the trick they bring up the Holocaust. The Anti-Defamation League needs to be gassed.


what other race needs an “Anti-Defamation League”?

only the kikes


It would be more accurate to call it the Truth Suppression League.


I would strongly suggest Wilda Rodriguez and the editor of El Nuevo Dia watch their backs very very carefully - lest they be “Breitbarted.”

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