Jews Assembling Group to Buy TikTok

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The Jews are assembling a group to buy TikTok. The Jew Steve Mnuchin is apparently leading this effort.

NEW – Fmr. Treasury Sec. Steven Mnuchin Says He is Assembling a Group of Investors to Buy TikTok

“It's a great business and I'm going to put together a group to buy TikTok…This needs to be controlled by U.S. businesses.”

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 14, 2024

This comes just a day after the House passed a bill with bi-partisan support that would effectively ban TikTok from operating in America.

It is obvious what this is about. TikTok is direct competition to the Jew-controlled social media sites. Even though TikTok has all sorts of horrible garbage uploaded on it, there are things discussed on TikTok that the Jews do not like. That’s why they are conspiring against it and now looking to buy it.

TikTok is actually a better social media site than sites like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube because they don’t give your data over to the National Security Agency and Israel. That would obviously change if these Jews were able to acquire it. There certainly wouldn’t be any improvements and I can say that with great certainty. The site would only get worse.


Of course.

Why TikTok was shut down in the first place:


Of course they are because young people use TikTok dogshit, and Jews are all about poisoning the minds of young people when they are young and dumb, because that’s the easiest way and time of most gullibility and naive-ity. Just like they do with the music Industry… film industry… TV… and on and on…

They will promote niggers and race mixing non stop, trannyism, homosexuality, nigger music and worship,
and they will censor anything else.



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