Jewish College Professor Pretended to be Black

Originally published at: Jewish College Professor Pretended to be Black |

A crazy Jewish bitch named Jessica Krug pretended to be black and was able to land a position teaching black studies at George Washington University. She was recently exposed as being a Jew and not black as she falsely claimed.

A Black Studies Professor at George Washington University (@GWtweets) admits to pretending to be black. Like a Rachel Dolezal, Jessica Krug said she was black to advance her professional & academic career.

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 4, 2020

At least the kike said she’d cancel herself.

Professor Jessica Krug admits she lied about being black: 'I cancel myself'

— New York Post (@nypost) September 3, 2020

There’s lots of people on Twitter falsely claiming that she’s White. Krug herself is even downplaying her Jewish roots and trying to identify as a White person. She is doing this to make White people look bad and to deflect criticism from Jews.

The thing is, she is not White, she is a Jew. Jews falsely claim that they are White when it is convenient for them even though they are a totally separate racial group. That’s where the whole “my fellow White people” meme comes from.


I guess something like this isn’t totally unexpected considering that a number of Jews who fled Germany during World War II came to America and taught classes in black colleges. They did this as a way to steer and guide blacks into hating White people, something of which they have continued to do up until this day. It’s just odd that one of them would go the extra step and pretend to be black.

It just proves once again that these Jews are totally insane and we need to remove them from our countries immediately.


My first thought on seeing this story was how aggressively she presented herself as white.

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Of course, ‘wiggering’ is a wypipo thang.

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