Jewish ADL Gets Nick Fuentes Banned Off of Twitter

Originally published at: Jewish ADL Gets Nick Fuentes Banned Off of Twitter |

Nick Fuentes was banned off of Twitter after the Jewish Anti-Defamation League did a hit piece on him.

Nick Fuentes was suspended from Twitter hours after the ADL published a report on him

— Kyle Hooten (@KyleHooten2) July 9, 2021

Several members of the fake conservative establishment made all sorts of strange remarks about the news but couldn’t hide the fact that they were very happy at the ban.

Nick Fuentes is a garbage person with garbage beliefs. Twitter is also filled with lots of garbage people with garbage beliefs. Only certain people get banned. Nobody should trust Twitter's supposed free speech neutrality.

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 9, 2021

That little twerp #NickFuentes is now the Rosa Parks of the civil liberties struggle in America. This is more than he deserves, but it’s a distinction the Left and the digital censors have unwittingly conferred on him

— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) July 9, 2021

They’re happy because Nick was making all of these people look like the phonies and frauds that they are.

Whatever the case, we all knew that he was going to be banned. The Jews were just waiting for the best possible strategic time to do it.


Nick will continue to thrive, while Twitter makes itself ever more irrelevant. No one knows better than the odious Ben Shapiro that twitter is filled with garbage.

What’s interesting is that CPAC is holding some convention in Dallas right now. Looks like they timed the ban to correlate with that since Nick has stirred up all sorts of trouble at these fake conservative inc. gatherings.

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oh, yes, the controlled opposition…

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