Jew Vermin Howard Stern Did Retarded Interview With Joe Biden

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The Jew vermin Howard Stern actually did an interview with Joe Biden a few days back. There was so much going on that I didn’t have a chance to really dig into what happened, but it appears to have been everything I expected it would be. It was a softball interview that basically featured the Jew Stern shoving his big Jew nose up Biden’s rectum. It was just endless brownnosing.

Back in the 1980s, the Jew Stern became a famous radio host with a schtick that centered around him being some type of rebellious shock jock personality. Now that the Jews have fully taken over ever major American institution, Stern just parrots all ZOG establishment narratives on his increasingly irrelevant and boring radio show. The fact that the White House saw Stern’s show as a safe place for Biden to do an interview says it all really.

Stern literally praised Joe Biden’s handling of the COVID hoax pandemic and for standing up to Vladimir Putin.

I've listened to probably thousands of hours of Howard Stern (don't ask) and this is the most embarrassing thing I've ever heard from him. Gushes how "lucky" we all are to have Biden as "Father of the Country," with an "organized administration" (?) and for "standing up to Putin"

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) April 28, 2024

Biden lied about all sorts of things and Stern did not challenge him a single time.

Joe Biden was caught telling these lies and tall tales on the Stern Show, while the drooling, pandering Howard Stern kept nodding like a bobble head:

Biden lies…
– He saved 6 people from drowning as a lifeguard (Lie)
– He received "salacious pictures" from women in the 70s…

— MARK SIMONE (@MarkSimoneNY) April 27, 2024

The whole interview was totally fake and contrived. I’d consider it to be a major embarrassment for both Biden and Stern.

The interview would have been better if one of Stern’s former “Wack Pack” members interviewed Biden. Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf should have interviewed him. I’m operating under the assumption that he’s still alive?



Jews hate Putin for stopping their all-Goyim army in the Middle-East and in Ukraine and dumping the Jew-Dollar so the saber rattling against Russia is top priority. They’re also trying to control Trump with regard to Russia should he get back into office. It worked once and will work again because Trump is a coward.

With the Liberal Goyim waking-up to the Covid Hoax, depop vaccine agenda it’s also very important to pretend that our fearless fake leader saved us from the “Dark Winter of Death”.

Maybe Stern will have sell-out pos, Arnold Schwarzenegger on next because they can’t start WWIII with Russia and China without Conservative support.


Here’s the video of pos, Arnold Schwarzenegger appealing to the Russian People to oppose, Putin. what a dick.


He used a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. Why on earth would he think the average Russian would give a shit about anything he says? He hasn’t been relevant for years now.


Fock you Pooteen: Fock youuuuuuu.
I’ll be bock to curse you some more
after I take my viagra. I am a moovie star, goddamnit!
Okay, I’m bock, beetch. Whot are you goink to do to me, huh?! I’m over here on the other side of the earth, so come and get me if you dare. Ahhhhh hahahaha. Ahhhh hahahaha hahaha
(cough, hack… wheeze). You’re lucky I’m old and frail now or I’d defeat you on my own. Hasta la vista, beetch”.

Putin: (strada klotchko powofflow nigyet
faggot Arnold Schwartzeneggar shipsky faggot barbonovichya troggvolti homo).

[Translation into polite English]
“Is he making comedy movies now?
How totally gay.”

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