Jew Treasury Secretary Says She Was Wrong About Inflation

Originally published at: Jew Treasury Secretary Says She Was Wrong About Inflation |

Remember when the Jew Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said inflation was transitory? That was obvious bullshit and now she is saying that she got it wrong.

.@SecYellen on inflation being transitory: "I was wrong then about the path that inflation would take. As I mentioned, there have been unanticipated and large shocks to the economy […] that I, at the time, didn't fully understand."

— The Hill (@thehill) June 1, 2022

I don’t think she was wrong, I think she intentionally lied about it. Any person who knows basic economics knows that if you print gazillions of dollars while locking down the economy over a fake virus, the end result will be a devalued currency also known as inflation. This Jew has dedicated her entire life to the field of economics so it is absurd to believe that she didn’t know the implications of what was happening.

It is ridiculous to think that this Jew who intentionally lied about inflation is going to do anything substantive to fix the issue. Inflation is here to stay.


Agree. Had to know she was lying. Even if wishful thinking I doubt she believed it herself.

People like this have plenty of money and don’t really care about inflation on a personal level anyways

Remove Biden is step one to fixing inflation. Lower gas prices. Stop sending bazillions to Ukraine. Remove Biden

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Strange that someone would bring this up, when

  1. many people probably never heard you say it to begin with
  2. those who did probably forgot that you said it
  3. its rather obvious so why say it
  4. many people didn’t believe you so it’s calling attention to a lie or failure
  5. it seems like something BIDEN might not want you to say

Anyways I feel like she is not in control of the main causes of inflation, so therefore there is little she can do about it

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