Jew Tom Arnold Says He's Going to Bring Down Trump

Originally published at: Jew Tom Arnold Says He’s Going to Bring Down Trump |

So the Jew Tom Arnold posted this picture on Twitter. He met with Donald Trump’s former Jew lawyer Michael Cohen in New York.

He was also on CNN rambling about how he’s going to work with Cohen to take down Trump. Cohen has denied this saying that the photo was from a chance encounter in a hotel.

So based on this, it’s very possible that Arnold is exaggerating shit. But it also wouldn’t be a surprise if these two Jews were working together to kike Trump. The thing is, Arnold came off as so unhinged and crazy during the CNN interview, that it makes Cohen’s description of the encounter more believable.

Of course Arnold has previously claimed that he has tapes or can get access to tapes of Trump saying racist things but no tapes ever emerged. Specifically, there’s been speculation that a tape of Trump saying the nigger word is out there somewhere. But if such a tape existed, why did it not come out before the election like the pussy tape did? That would be the optimum time to release the nigger tape.

But the pussy tape didn’t even hurt Trump. Lots of people thought it was funny. At this point, a nigger tape would probably have the same impact. People are tired of political correctness and all the assorted nonsense that has come with it.


Tommy boy,…epitome of human debris. Thank God no one gives a shit about what comes out of his mouth.


So his ex-wife gets her show cancelled for supporting Trump, despite being jewish herself and her years of strange antics, but asshole Arnie is still on TV towing the jewish line and even patted on the back for it? What the hell gives?