Jew-Run CDC Admits Major COVID-19 "Mistakes"

Originally published at: Jew-Run CDC Admits Major COVID-19 “Mistakes” |

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which is run by the horrible Jewish skank Rochelle Walensky, has stated that they made major COVID-19 “mistakes.” The solution that is being proposed for all of their “mistakes” is to restructure the organization so that it has even more power.

There are many people calling out this bullshit for what it is.

BREAKING REPORT: Rochelle Walensky, CDC Director Admits MAJOR COVID 19 MISTAKES – Plans to RESTRUCTURE THE AGENCY Calling it a 'Reset'…

— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) August 17, 2022

NO. @CDCgov guidance was NOT “confusing & overwhelming.”

It was and IS:
✅Intentionally misleading
✅fueled by political COIs

✅Called common things “rare,” leading ppl to take unwitting risks
✅Lied when pressed
✅Did same w #Lyme & now w 🐒🦠

— Dana Parish (@danaparish) August 17, 2022

CDC lost credibility by

*denying natural immunity
*claiming shots prevent spread
*suppressing possible therapies
*ignoring vaccine injured
*treating all groups as same risk
*flip flopping on masks
*lying to Congress
*fabricating studies

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) August 18, 2022

Wait a freakin' minute…the proposed 'fix' for @CDCgov's dismal performance re Covid is to give the agency MORE powers?

Yeah. I don't think so.

— Ann Bauer (@annbauerwriter) August 17, 2022

Not letting Novak Djokovic – the world's greatest tennis player – in because he's unvaccinated even while unvaccinated migrants pour in and the CDC acknowledges no difference is the kind of performative, double-standard nonsense that lost the public trust in the first place. 🤡

— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) August 18, 2022

It is important to note that the CDC didn’t make “mistakes.” The CDC deliberately lied and misled the American people about COVID-19. It was a totally fake pandemic that they played a major role in promoting. Their proposed solutions killed millions of people. That’s not an exaggeration either. Millions have died from the death injections, the lockdowns and other policies that they crammed down everyone’s throats.

Remember this Leana Wen bitch who was promoting the virus hoax, the death shots and everything else? She’s claiming that the CDC needs more power because of this fiasco.

The CDC needs fundamental reform. There are incredible scientists and professionals working there. The problem is that CDC is a peacetime organization that needs to pivot to wartime footing. Much more speed & nimbleness are required to respond to real-time threats. @wolfblitzer

— Leana Wen, M.D. (@DrLeanaWen) August 18, 2022

This is all too much.

In order for the CDC to even begin to regain credibility, they need to start by getting rid of the ridiculous Jewish liar Walensky who is running it. Until that happens, there is no chance of this organization regaining any credibility. Of course, it didn’t have a whole lot of credibility even before the COVID-19 hoax. Now it has less than zero credibility.


Clearly the Jew-run CDC is a big part of the worldwide, big pharma depopulation agenda run and funded by Jews. They got away with this nightmare agenda because our politicians are too weak to oppose the Jew-run media covid-hoax onslaught. It’s the same thing with the school shooting hoaxes. NOT ONE Repugnican’t is questioning the obviously fake narrative… The last straw for me with regard to Trumpstein’s presidential tenure was when he “got covid” and started wearing the stupid mask.

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