Jew Pennsylvania Governor to Automatically Register Voters

Originally published at: Jew Pennsylvania Governor to Automatically Register Voters |

I see all these people on social media talking about how Donald Trump is going to win the election in 2024. This is wishful pie in the sky type of thinking. Barring a total collapse of the government and a series of major fuck ups by the Democrats, I don’t see how this is possible. They have shown that they have the absolute ability to rig these elections. There’s also been nothing substantive done to stop any of the rigging. If anything the Democrats are just bolstering their vote rigging processes.

Take in point how the Jew Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is just automatically registering voters.

Leftist Pennsylvania governor decides to "automatically" register "voters" — a legally-dubious and surefire way to make it easier for ineligible individuals to vote illegally.

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) September 19, 2023

Pennsylvania is one of the key swing states.

Who votes is of no consequence if you control the process which counts and/or manufactures the votes. That’s the situation we are dealing with here. All sorts of MAGA people are in denial about this reality.

The country has been taken over by demonic Jewish Marxist scum and they are deliberately destroying it by any means at their disposal.


All the top Repugnican’ts agreed that Biden won fair and square and are content to draw a paycheck while America dies. Traitors one and all.


And cast their ballots for them too.

Stalin: It’s not who votes but who counts the votes

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We’ll show those liberul DemonKKKraps by voting moar harder the next time!

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