Jew Oxycontin Producer Purdue Files for Bankruptcy

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The Jew Oxycontin producer Purdue just filed for bankruptcy.


Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Sunday night, just days after striking a settlement with more than 2,000 local governments over its alleged role in creating and sustaining the deadly opioid crisis.

The filing in New York follows the Sackler family agreeing to relinquish ownership of the lucrative company. The family also agreed to provide $3 billion in cash over several years and future revenue from the sale of OxyContin to assist communities hardest hit by the opioid epidemic.

On Sunday, Purdue’s board of directors approved the settlement, which includes 24 state attorneys general who sued the company, accusing it of fueling the nationwide addiction crisis by aggressively marketing OxyContin while downplaying its potential for addiction.

Following Sunday’s bankruptcy filing, the company’s board members said the deal struck with the thousands of state and local governments will provide billions to combat the country’s opioid crisis.

“This settlement framework avoids wasting hundreds of millions of dollars and years on protracted litigation, and instead will provide billions of dollars and critical resources to communities across the country trying to cope with the opioid crisis,” said Steve Miller, chairman of Purdue’s board of directors, in a statement to NPR.

“We will continue to work with state attorneys general and other plaintiff representatives to finalize and implement this agreement as quickly as possible,” he added.

The drugmaker said the value of the settlement is about $10 billion, but 26 states opposed to the deal have contested that estimate, vowing to take the Sackler family to state courts in an attempt to tap into the family’s fortune.

The bankruptcy filing follows a statement by New York’s state attorney general, Letitia James, alleging that investigators discovered nearly $1 billion in wire transfers made by Purdue to Swiss bank accounts — allegedly to shield the family’s wealth from litigation.

The entire Jew Sackler family should have all their shekels seized and they should be thrown in prison. They created the entire opioid crisis and got millions of Americans hooked on the horrible drug they produced.

But will this happen? Highly doubtful. These Jews have hidden their shekels in foreign bank accounts and they will probably be all allowed to fly to Israel.


Notice it’s still at 1 billion in foreign transfers and fail to mention 33 different transactions so far and that 1 billion is from only one transfer.

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I am not an addict but a whole lot of my family and former friends are addicted to oxy’s. Burn in hell you demons who destroyed lives. I use to think that the “war pigs” were of the worst sort but at least it wasn’t my family and neighbors dying. Big pharma are the worst sort and Sackler’s is the biggest culprit.