Jew Michael Rapaport Says He Was Wrong About Charlottesville

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The horrible Jew actor and unfunny comedian Michael Rapaport has publicly apologized for attacking Donald Trump over his Charlottesville comments back in 2017. He said that the media took Trump’s comments out of context to attack him and that he was wrong to do so. He also said that he would not be voting for Democrats in 2024.

Trump hater Michael Rapaport apologizes for mischaracterizing Trump after Charlottesville. Says he's done with Democrats.

"I'm not voting for Biden, I'm not voting for Kamala. Gavin?, I just left California. I'm not voting for Gavin with the good hair."

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) February 9, 2024

NEW: Comedian Michael Rapaport says he was "wrong" and "irresponsible" with how he treated Donald Trump over the Charlottesville hoax.

Rapaport admitted that he was wrong about the "both sides" hoax during the @PBDsPodcast.

Rapaport also spoke about who he would be voting for…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) February 9, 2024

This is really just the tip of the iceberg.

The whole Charlottesville media narrative was a lie and a hoax. Anti-fascists along with some very angry and violent niggers attacked a peaceful assembly and then the cops used that to justify shutting the whole thing down with riot police. They later claimed that Trump was a Nazi because he didn’t totally trash the people who were there to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue.


Charlottesville was basically just an earlier variation of J6 and fully exposed the ridiculously corrupt and biased system of injustice that exists in Jewmerica.

The fact that a rabid Trump-hater like Rapaport is now scaling back his hate of Trump indicates that there might be a shift in the thinking of Jews about America’s political situation. The last few years have seen a major decline in Jewish geopolitical power whereas under Trump you had a much more stable situation. As a result, they might let Trump win due to the difficulties of rigging another election and finding a viable Democrat candidate to challenge him. Trump’s domestic politics might not be in line with different Jewish agendas but Jews may begin viewing him as a better choice for their Zionist terror base of Israel which is in some real trouble.

Ultimately, I have no idea what will happen but we have seen an increase in pro-Israel right-wing affiliated people winning elections around the world. Take in point what just happened in Argentina. It is a very weird dynamic but it is one that is happening. Obviously, any real right-winger would be against Jews and Israel but the Jews have done everything in their power to prevent a figure like this from gaining meaningful political power.

It is just irritating that Jews are at the center of everything. Things should not be this way. I hope to see a day where all Jews are purged from power and influence. Hopefully that day comes sooner rather than later.


no… they won’t let Trump back in the Blight House for fear that he’ll grow a pair and investigate the corruption and treason. They can’t take that chance. Prepare for, President Hillary.

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As usual, the Jews overreach. Their incessant vilification of Aryans is recoiling on their own heads, and their appalling war crimes in Gaza and the rise of “antisemitism” as they call it, is causing them to re-think their tactics.


The jews always play both sides of the isle. He’ll go back to being a annoying jew before long.

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