Jew Fraudster Albert Einstein Exposed for Hating Chinks

Originally published at: Jew Fraudster Albert Einstein Exposed for Hating Chinks |

Albert Einstein the kike fraudster who has been falsely presented as the smartest person to ever live, has just been exposed as a racist chink hater.


The publication of Albert Einstein’s private diaries detailing his tour of Asia in the 1920s reveals the theoretical physicist and humanitarian icon’s racist attitudes to the people he met on his travels, particularly the Chinese.

Written between October 1922 and March 1923, the diaries see the scientist musing on his travels, science, philosophy and art. In China, the man who famously once described racism as “a disease of white people” describes the “industrious, filthy, obtuse people” he observes. He notes how the “Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.” After earlier writing of the “abundance of offspring” and the “fecundity” of the Chinese, he goes on to say: “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”

Ze’ev Rosenkranz, senior editor and assistant director of the Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology, said: “I think a lot of comments strike us as pretty unpleasant – what he says about the Chinese in particular.

“They’re kind of in contrast to the public image of the great humanitarian icon. I think it’s quite a shock to read those and contrast them with his more public statements. They’re more off guard, he didn’t intend them for publication.”

This is just another piece of evidence showing that the Jews do not believe in this nonsense about race being a social construct. They absolutely believe that race is a real thing and it is reflected with the types of laws and policies implemented in Israel.

But going back to Einstein, it is interesting that he said that racism was a disease of White people while maintaining racist personal views. It doesn’t get much more Jewish than that. He was also a huge Zionist and was even asked to become the leader of the Jewish supremacist state of Israel.

Oh well, fuck Einstein. His so-called scientific work has been vastly over hyped because he was Jewish. Nikola Tesla was a far more important and relevant figure in the world of science. Tesla’s work with electricity and radio waves during the early part of the 20th century helped lay the foundation for the technology we have today.


Jews love to stroke their own egos. Anything jewish is better than anything and anyone who says otherwise is antisemitic.

On a side note Tesla was a miracle worker. His visionary view of the world was truly unique. Free energy is a true possibility. (((They))) will never allow it though.


@BasedBemidji Dr. Tesla was also an advocate for eugenics. He was easily one of the greatest minds of the last 1000 years. If only he had supported the Fuhrer’s heroic struggle against the dark forces of international jewry.


Eugenics in some form or another needs to be implemented in the 3rd world. Modern medicine is to blame for their over population. Niger women on average have 7 kids. Where as Sweden woman barely make 1. We need to encourage white women to have more white babies.


Where would the world be without AC power? Tesla invented this, not Einstein. Einstein’s work was all theory ie Theory of Relativity as is most modern indoctrinations including Theory of Evolution, which is taught now as the Gospels. Theory meaning just that, a theory, could be true, could not be. Facts win over theories any day in my book. Unfortunately, Tesla’s work was exploited and used to fuel other inventions like computers which are a double edged sword. Also the jew owned energy (electricity and oil/gas) corporations have made untold trillions by keeping us all on the grid. We should have been all driving electric cars decades and decades ago.





Relativity is used in GPS.


Really, and all run by…electricity. Now they are making ‘self-driving’ cars that will result in carnage on the highways and streets. Population control maybe?


Don’t forget the one where it says sex with goy children and bestiality is ok.


I found it on Alice F’s blog


Of course kikes are hypocrites and always projecting their own beliefs and actions on to others. I can say that my own observations regarding the hordes of chinks I saw in Asia was not all that favorable. They are in general terms rude and pushy - like slant-eyed kikes!

I will say that I don’t have much argument about Einstein’s view of the Honorary Aryans: "Japanese unostentatious, decent, altogether very appealing,” he writes. “Pure souls as nowhere else among people. One has to love and admire this country.” When I was in Japan I was treated very nicely for a forlorn traveler, though I can’t say what they were thinking about me. Probably something along the lines of, “Go home soon gaijin!” I don’t mind that though, every race needs its own space.

I will add that PassCode should be the official J-Pop group of the Alt-Right. They have a song called “AXIS”!


I believe there is a saying: The Japanese are clean on the outside but dirty on the inside; The Chinese are dirty on the outside but clean on the inside; And the Koreans are dirty on the inside and outside!
