Jew Clown Zelensky Pledges New "Counteroffensive"

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Zelensky is planning a new “counteroffensive” lol.


New deliveries of Western military technology can enable Kiev to launch a new counteroffensive against Russia, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky believes.

Ukraine’s leader made the same claim last year before Kiev’s failed attempt to recapture land lost to Moscow in 2022.

While his forces are presently being pushed back on the battlefield, Zelensky hopes to turn the tide, he told the German tabloid Bild this week.

“Russia has more men, more weapons. But the West has modern weapons systems,” Zelensky mused. “If we get [production] licenses from our partners, then it’s not about the number of people. It’s about the quality of the weapons.”

Zelensky claims it is not about the number of people but the quality of the weapons.

Tell me this Jew, if you don’t have the people to properly use the weapons, what good are the weapons? The weapons are only as good as the people who use them and right now you are sending old men, women, retards and cripples to the front lines because you have run out of people to send into the meat grinder.

I would also argue that Russia’s weapons are superior to the shit we are seeing supplied by NATO. The West does not have superior modern warfare capabilities. They’ve fallen rapidly behind after wasting two decades fighting wars in the Middle East for Jews.

This kike clown is delusional. I’m surprised he hasn’t been overthrown or assassinated yet.


no… he’s stringing the goyim along until they figure out a way to get NATO in a hot war with Russia in Ukraine.

As crazy as it sounds this is their strategy. The hundreds of billions of dollars aren’t to help Ukraine win, it’s to prolong the war until they have the votes to add Ukraine to NATO.


Does anyone here think that Volodomyr Zelensky was fairly elected to be the head honcho in Ukraine?
The homunculus hebe used to star in a mediocre sitcom as a cross dressing liberal faggot. The only people who elected him were people who don’t actually live in Ukraine:
Otrauma was behind this worm’s rise to power. Knowing this and having been charmed by his character over the last few years, I can officially say that the world will be a better place when he gets bumped off . Or even if he just drops over from Monkeypox or AIDS, that would be okay.
Either way… he has Got To GO!!
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Also to gain a desperate sympathy to Rush Ukraine into NATO by gradually revealing that Ukraine can’t win.
They were never going to win.
It has been purposely destroyed and its men have been vigorously sent to their deaths with this fact being known by the USA and the Ukraine “royalty” (and likely known by even some of those men being sent into a meat grinder).).

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