Jew Bernie Sanders Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Run

Originally published at: Jew Bernie Sanders Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Run |

The Communist Jew Bernie Sanders officially announced his 2020 presidential run today. We pretty much already knew he was going run but this is just the official kick off.

It’s hard to see him recapturing what he tapped into during the 2016 campaign. Especially since he didn’t say anything about the Democrat Party rigging the nomination process against him. He basically sold out all of his supporters.

On top of that, racial minorities view him as just another old White male and being a White male in the Democrat Party is toxic. That’s because Democrats hate White skin color. This fact was even talked about on Fox News.

But beyond that, he’s bat shit fucking crazy. He just doesn’t seem as bat shit fucking crazy as he did in 2016 because there are people in the Democrat Party who now hold political office who are even crazier than him.



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