Jew Ben Shapiro Wants Goyim to Work Until They Die

I’ll bet he “retires”: or basically stops feeling the need to work because he has more than enough shekels handy to get through the mjddle and latter stages of his life. He won’t call it retirement. He. Will just stop working for the most part. And then still scold people for retiring too early.


Positive Shapiro has many, many hard callouses on both hands from masturbating chronically over the years. Sone people might feel his hands and think he is probably a lumberjack.




Goyim should either work like oxen until they die to repay their Jewbank high interest loan, or give up completely, start doing fentanyl and die, don’t you know your women will be facking niggars anyway thanks to our programming, so what’s the point?

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Gene Simmons That Is What Gentiles Are For You Tube


Gentiles are too expensive for me and I have to hire Mexicans!

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A way to shut this little shit up is show him a picture of a shovel or hammer. Shapiro would probably fall into the fetal position and start screaming.

It would be fun to watch Shapiro tied to a chair and be force fed pork, shellfish, and wash it down with some bacon grease.


he should Work on not being such a sellout

I’ll bet that he would Freak Out if a an older charismatic Goy got His job. And he went to complain about it and everyone said “You said that people should stay working as long as they can. He could be retiring today, but we took your advice and gave him a job.”.
It just happens to be Shapiro’s job.
That would be fun to see happen.
His hypocrisy would be revealed in a matter of seconds.

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