Jew Adam Schiff Begins Boring Public Impeachment Proceedings

Originally published at: Jew Adam Schiff Begins Boring Public Impeachment Proceedings |

The Jew Adam Schiff started doing his boring and stupid public impeachment proceedings against the orange man today.

I personally couldn’t give a flying fuck about any of this. I’m only bringing this up to remind people of how Jewish this whole fiasco is. All the major players advancing this from Schiff in Congress to the media covering it non-stop are Jews.

The Democrat lawyer they had asking questions during the proceedings was a Jew with the last name Goldman.

Even so-called “conservative” Matt Drudge a faggot Jew has been pushing this story as the most important story in the universe on his website.

Fuck all this Jewish bullshit. If you dislike the orange man being targeted with impeachment for no specifically good reason, you need to understand that this is all being orchestrated by Jews. And because of that, you should start asking some serious questions about the numerous subversive activities that Jews have specifically been engaging in.

All that aside, the groyper war is far more important and interesting from a cultural perspective.

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