James Clyburn Claims Weimar Germany Was Greatest Democracy

Originally published at: James Clyburn Claims Weimar Germany Was Greatest Democracy | Infostormer.com

Democrat Majority Whip James Clyburn claimed during a recent interview that 1920s Weimar Germany was the greatest democracy ever. He further warned that if Republicans go on to win the midterms, that we could see a repeat of what happened in Germany during the 1930s.

House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn: "This country is on track to repeat what happened in Germany in the 1930s [if Republicans win]." pic.twitter.com/lbkdPXVCMQ

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 4, 2022

Weimar Germany during the 1920s was not great as Clyburn falsely claims. The country suffered from extreme levels of hyperinflation. This was largely the result of reparations the Germans were forced to pay following World War I. People were literally using wheelbarrows to haul paper notes around to buy things.

There’s all sorts of photos from that era showing how the currency devalued into worthlessness.

![|928x722](upload://y6aw6CVEQ643qDhzWcZptnbNvRR.jpeg) ![|1061x799](upload://w4wSDNJfiEJGPCcsK9qyx6QOWFC.jpeg)

On top of that, there were all sorts of social problems stemming from the hyperinflation. Many women were forced into prostitution and alcoholism was rampant.

Jews took advantage of the situation to push all sorts of sexual depravity. Basically all the faggot and tranny shit that you see being pushed heavily in America and throughout the West today, was happening in Germany during the 1920s. There were weird clubs where faggots and other sexual deviants would gather. This was especially big in Berlin.


Normal German people eventually got fed up with all this and voted Adolf Hitler into power.


While I would absolutely support some Hitler-like figure taking over the United States through the electoral process, it is hard to see a situation occurring similar to what happened in Germany during the early 1930s. There is a heavily entrenched bureaucratic power in the US that didn’t exist in Germany when Hitler took over.

I think it is far more likely that the US and the empire that surrounds it will collapse like the Soviet Union or Roman Empire did. That’s just a best guess though. Realistically though, it is hard to know how all of this is going to unfold. There are however, a number of historical parallels between 1920s Weimar Germany and what’s happening now. The main common denominator between them are the Jews being behind all of it.

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