Jack Dorsey is a Very Sick Person

Originally published at: Jack Dorsey is a Very Sick Person | Infostormer.com

The figurehead weirdo allegedly in charge of Twitter named Jack Dorsey recently posted this strange tweet.

❤️ pic.twitter.com/uewq6oP7rT

— jack (@jack) January 10, 2021

This was not Jack expressing his love for the Signal App. He was celebrating the removal of Parler from the app store which was previously the number one app before it was banned from the app store.

Actually Parler is #1… Finally a platform that Conservatives can speak on with out being CENSORED!!! pic.twitter.com/3L0wnirZn0

— Follow Don (@realFollowDon) January 10, 2021

The fact that this deranged lunatic would openly celebrate how he and the other big tech giants colluded to destroy their competition just after they went on a mass ban rampage shows what a sick person he is. Not even the 19th century robber barons were dumb enough to gloat about destroying their competition in this way.

But honestly, I don’t even believe Dorsey is really calling the shots. When he was testifying in front of Congress a few months back, he looked like he was on drugs and didn’t seem to know what the hell was going on with anything. So maybe that would explain why he thought it would be cute to tweet something like this.

Whatever the case, this person and the people around him should not be deciding who is and who isn’t allowed to say what they want on the Internet. In fact, no person should be in that position but especially not someone like Dorsey who has devolved into some weird mix between a 1960s druggie and Rasputin.


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