Israel is Vastly Understating Gaza War Casualties

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The Israeli newspaper Haaretz examined data from Israeli hospitals and have determined that the casualty figures claimed by the Zionist regime are vastly understated.

Israel stated on Sunday that 1,593 soldiers have been wounded since October 7.

But an examination conducted by Haaretz shows a considerable and unexplained gap between the data reported by the military and that from the hospitals

— (@haaretzcom) December 10, 2023

Basically the Jews have endured thousands more injuries and deaths than the government is claiming.

This is not surprising to me at all. The Israelis do not support Bibi and so his regime is doing whatever they can to make it appear as if they are making progress with their Gaza ground operations. If they were to reveal the true casualty figures, it would cause even more political issues for them.

They’re already under fire for the security lapse on October 7th and there’s other stuff out there about the Israeli military killing their own people in response to the attacks. Many are also not happy with their efforts to release hostages.

The ground war itself is not going well. As I talked about yesterday, all the latest war maps show that the Jewish ground invasion has made little substantive progress. This lines up with the many thousands of deaths being recorded in their hospitals.


That’s why the Jews are pulling weird propaganda stunts like this.

They put the weapons in his hand after they stripped him and had him do multiple takes putting them down. Ziowood.

— Syrian Girl 🇸🇾🎗 (@Partisangirl) December 10, 2023


hopefully the casualties will mount for Israel.

I’m very surprised however that the pos, USA hasn’t sent in The Marines to get their asses fragged by Hamas. Maybe our fearless leaders learned something from Afghanistan but there’s still time to do something stupid costing thousands of American lives defending the baby killer, 9/11 Terrorist Jews.


At this point we might as well retire the name USA and start using ZSA.


The rats can’t even releastically claim they have secured any of the territory they have allegedly taken until the Hamas tunnels have all been sealed or destroyed. Until that is achieved Hamas fighters will continue to conduct operations behind their lines and inflict continual attrition on the Jewish occupiers.

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The jews have been fudging numbers for thousands of years. One of the biggest is the holohoax.


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