Israel is Increasingly in Fear of an Iranian Invasion

Originally published at: Israel is Increasingly in Fear of an Iranian Invasion |

Even though some of these recent geopolitical events have been a bummer, Israel’s position is becoming increasingly weaker. The Iranians are building up their forces in Syria and the Jews are beginning to panic.


Israel has reportedly canceled plans to send warplanes to a joint military exercise with the U.S. amid concern over the buildup of Iranian forces across the border in Syria.

The decision not to send F-15 jets to the drill in Alaska was widely reported by the Israeli media to be linked to worries over a possible Iranian attack, potentially involving an armed drone. A spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces confirmed to NBC News that “aircraft participation in the exercise was adjusted.”

Late on Tuesday, Education Minister Naftali Bennett became the latest in a string of senior Israeli officials to promise that the country would respond to threats from Iran and elsewhere.

“The Iranian octopus is trying to strangle us and break our spirit,” he said at an event in Jerusalem honoring fallen soldiers. “Israel is stronger than those against us. From here I tell the leaders of Iran, Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah — do not try us.”

Bennett is an important, and hawkish, member of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government.

Netanyahu last week also warned Iran not to test his country's resolve, saying, "Our policy can be summed up in three words: aggression against aggression."

Israel has become increasingly alarmed at influence of Iran and Tehran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah, particularly in Syria.

Recent operations by the Jews have ended in failure. The Islamic State which they supported to destroy Syria is no longer a factor. Their attempt to stage a revolution in Iran to overthrow the government also failed. And this recent chicanery with chemical weapons failed to draw the West into Syria in any significant capacity.

Point blank, the Jews are running out of tricks. The only plays they have left are staging a chemical weapons attack on the United States and blaming Syria for it or doing something like blowing up an airliner and blaming it on Iran.

But let’s face facts. The world hates Israel. They hate the Zionist occupation and want it ended. People have grown wise to their tricks and if something like I just described happens, many will blame the Jews by default.

Hopefully the Iranians and their allies will eventually destroy Israel and wipe it off the map for all of eternity.


Israel won’t have to fear Iran or any other country as long as you have good goys like Trump defending their interests and fighting their wars.

That really is the main issue. Israel would have been destroyed long ago if it wasn’t for Western support.


But wait!.. The population of Jews in Iran is second to Israel, according to a documentary on Iran. I thought is was New York. And supposedly the Jews in Iran think ‘Netanyahu’ is a nutcase for his warmongering against Iran? Could this be one of those playing always both sides?



Kikestan was almost annihilated in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. But Kissinger convinced Nixon to bail them out at the last minute. Maybe Nixon thought that supporting the Zionist state would get the jews at home off his back and save his beleaguered presidency.The result was an Arab oil embargo against the West that crippled the US economy for around ten years.



If Iran retaliates against Kikestan they know they will have the support of Russia, Syria, Lebanon and China, along with almost all the rest of the world. By contrast there would be no mass support for Israel or the US. And if Congress reinstated the Draft there would probably be rioting in the streets. Iran is a country of 80 million people who still have the blood of Cyrus, Darius and Xerxes in their veins.

So in light of all that I certainly do hope the Iranians attack the Zionist Entity!


lol, if iran attacks we are going to mobilize the troops and you goyim are going to fight and be matzo sacrifice

israel will have to be diplomatic

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The oil embargo was because Nixon took the US off the gold standard and the Saudis wanted to be paid in gold as per their existing agreements and refused to take unbacked fiat dollars.


And the fact that any real effort to find real life,effective alternatives to petroleum somehow never seemed to happen.

Granting that-from what I can tell-none of the stuff that was available at the time would have been a silver bullet-

The effort would have still been worthwhile. Stirling cycle engines,boundary layer(i.e. cheap) turbines,solar panels-as miserable as they were at that time,and wind power could all have been developed. And yeah,it would have helped,and helped a lot.

None of that stuff supplies the huge number of kilowatts needed for a steel mill or such. But it would have been just fine for powering residential housing,schools and other municipal buildings,and small office complexes.

Do that kind of thing enough,and the need for imported oil drops to the level where it can be done without,in a pinch. Oh-and your grid is a lot less centralized,so large scale power outages are less of a concern,AND tinkering and experimenting to figure out better ways of doing things become a lot more feasible.

But that (((never happened)))


#MAGA … Make Ashkenazis Go Away …


That is the crux of it. The combustion engine is the cheapest source of portable energy we have. Wind, solar, hydro, nuclear all have their place but oil is still king. But getting back to the topic, I had an image of thousands of Jews getting into those big white rubber soros boats and fleeing to Africa ahead of an Iranian army! But seriously when has Iran ever invaded anyone?

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Make Iran Persia Again

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In modern times they’ve really only used their military for defensive purposes. The Iran-Iraq war is a good example. Funny how that started just after the 1979 revolution. The Zionists are the obvious aggressors towards Iran and should be dealt with as such.


Nixon removed the gold standard in 1971; The oil embargo was in 1973, immediately following the Yom Kippur War.

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Drumpf can’t go a single week without kissing jewish tuchas.

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When the Arabs were being paid in gold everyone was happy, once Nixon switched to a fiat currency it spurred the formation of OPEC which was effectively the oil producing gulf states unionizing against the US and its unbacked currency. This took time so that is why the embargo didn’t happen immediately. The US eventually promised to back the dollar with oil (the origin of the petro-dollar) and to denominate all trades in the US dollar and to show restraint with regards to money printing which eventually satisfied the Arabs that they wouldn’t be given completely worthless paper dollars. Effectively the US went from a gold backed currency to an oil and F16 backed currency. What part the Yom Kippur war played in all this, I don’t know, maybe it was the last straw, but the embargo would have happened regardless.

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No leader other than Assad has done more to protect Syrian Christians. Yet there is Trump, seemingly under Israeli orders, attacking Syria. Along with his poodles Macron and May.

I’d have to look it up to be sure,but I think the last time was torqueing a thousand years ago. Or maybe more.

But you have to keep in mind that the Iranians have to pay for their wars themselves. Unlike another certain country over in that part of the world.

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