Israel Demands War Against Iran Via Powerpoint

Originally published at: Israel Demands War Against Iran Via Powerpoint |

The Jews have been demanding a war against Iran for several decades now. Leave it to king kike Benjamin Netanyahu to justify this war by presenting a very lame and goofy powerpoint presentation.

The premise of the presentation was his claim that Iran has lied and is secretly developing a nuclear weapon. Because of this, the United States has to fight a war against Iran on behalf of Jews.

There’s no reason to believe anything that is cooked up by Israeli intelligence. This is just another “Iraq has WMDs” type of hoax.

This nonsense also comes after the new U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo traveled to Israel to meet with Netanyahu. The entire display was sickening to watch.

But here’s the deal. The Iranian government has allowed inspection of their nuclear facilities. There is also no proof that they’re developing a nuclear weapon. Meanwhile, Israel refuses to have any of their facilities inspected and has refused to sign on to any nuclear non-proliferation agreements.

So who the fuck are these Jews to lecture any other country about nuclear weapons? And on top of that, Netanyahu is a Jewish terrorist and a war criminal. Look no further than what has been going on along the Gaza Strip the past few months.

If the kikes want to fight a war with Iran, than they should do it unilaterally. In fact, I’d encourage them to try it. The Zionist terror state would be finished if they even attempted to do such a thing.


Let’s face it, Satanyahoo is the de facto President of the US. Few in Congress respect Trump, but they ALL prostrate themselves like eunuch slaves before the throne of King Kike Bibi.

A direct war against Iran is, in my opinion, impossible. It’s a gigantic country of 80 millions, with vast deserts, high plateaus and tall, jagged mountains along its coast and around its capital. The only hope ZOG has is to foment more civil unrest inside the country, like that failed headscarf nonsense a few months ago. Additionally, a ZOG attack on Iran would have minus zero support from the world community.

The first sign of trouble for the Shah’s CIA-backed government came in 1971, so ZOG had plenty of time to prevent the 1979 revolution. But I guess it was too busy fighting a useless war in Vietnam and trying to get rid of President Nixon.



Jews just want to entertain people – and they always like sing-alongs because they remind them of camp!

Here’s Bibi demonstrating the latest Israeli karaoke machine.

I caught a glimpse of MSM on a TV in a restaurant last night. Trump was moaning about chemical weapons and a big banner reading IRAN LIED at the bottom. It doesn’t seem to matter that the whole gas attack was proven to be false, they are going to continue the narrative. Israhell and their big bully US military are pressing for an invasion of Iran. With the exception of the people in the US who are mind fucked by the jew media, the rest of the world is fed up with the jew terrorists and their wars for a greater Israhell and Iran’s oil. I’m fantasising that when the terrorist jew state attacks Iran with more missiles (paid for by US taxpayers) Iran or Russia hurls one into their beloved wailing wall.

What else is fucking new?

Jews wish to use the U.S. to fight their enemies - our treasury, our American tax dollars, our young to fight their wars.


No White should be a part of the U.S. ZOG’s military.

Trump is turning out to be another in a long line of American presidents doing the bidding of his masters: Jews.

Meanwhile, on the U.S. Southern border, Jews are making sure the U.S. continues to be flooded with low IQ, unskilled, fast-breeding vermin from the toilets of the world.

It will be us or them, and it will take violence, a lot of it, if we are to save ourselves.

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“Our democracy” means “WE OWN YOU GOYIM!! GET OUT AND FIGHT OUR WAR!!” They think all they have to do is buy our President, Supreme Court, and senators and we have to be slaves!?!?!? FUCK THEM!!!
