Israel Claims They Can Defeat Any Iranian Weapon

Originally published at: Israel Claims They Can Defeat Any Iranian Weapon |

Israel is saying they can defeat any Iranian weapon after Iran announced they had developed a hypersonic missile capable of striking Tel Aviv.


Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has dismissed Iran’s announcement that it has developed its first hypersonic missile, saying his country will always be able to counter any threat.

“I hear our enemies boasting about weapons they are developing. To any such development, we have an even better response – whether it be on land, in the air, or in the maritime arena, including both defensive and offensive means,” Gallant assured journalists during a visit to the military’s Northern Command on Tuesday.

Iran presented its new weapon, which is called Fattah, during a high-profile event earlier in the day. It has a claimed range of 1,400km and speed of up to 15 times the speed of sound, or Mach-15. President Ebrahim Raisi hailed it for significantly boosting Iranian deterrence.

Hypersonic weapons are more difficult to intercept than their slower-moving counterparts, but achieving the necessary velocities during atmospheric flight is a significant technological challenge. Some military experts believe that existing anti-missile systems are incapable of reliably stopping hypersonic projectiles.

There is no reason to believe the Jews have anything in their arsenal to counter hypersonic missiles. Russia, China and Iran all appear to have made significant advances in this arena and in some cases are definitely doing things beyond what both the United States and Israel are able to do.

Long term, Israel is in major geopolitical trouble. The only countries allied with them are allied with them because the Jews subverted the governments and forced them to be an ally. The Jews have no real friends on the world stage and their American golem is in terminal decline because of irrational and stupid decisions made by the Jews who have been steering it.


They have to say it. Its only common sense they would say they can stop it. Lets say Iran does fire a few missiles against military targets in israel.

Would we hear about it? Probably not, because they control media.

When Saddam fired his missiles against tel aviv, thousands must have died, but they said only 3 jews died in that attack.

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The jews are starting to reap what they sow.


RFK Jr. caved to the jews as I knew he would. There are no American 1st candidates. They’re all bought and paid for by Israel and AIPAC.

this short paragraph sums-up succinctly everything that anyone needs to know about The Jews and Israel.

The only reason Israel still stands is because of their compromised Goyim puppets like Graham, Obama, Clinton, Biden and many others. I have no doubt that Epstein has many videos of them having sex with children.

Vicious Jew Billionaires gave millions to Epstein to keep his goyim Lolita honeypot running and the Jew media ignores the real story, framing the Mossad organization as just a lone sex pervert.

This is why Ukraine is so important to these horrid Jews. It was going to be a 2nd homeland. after the arabs destroy Israel Jews are going to need a sanctuary.

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