Israel Begins Mass Deporting Africans

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Why are kikes putting niggers in concentration camps when they themselves were put into concentration camps and allegedly Holocausted? Is this not racial hate?

Israel is beginning to deport Africans out of their country. Once again we see how Jews resist multiculturalism in their own country while simultaneously promoting it in White countries.

Al Jazeera:

Israel has started issuing deportation notices to African asylum seekers from Eritrea and Sudan.

On Sunday, the first wave of notices were distributed to men who are in the country without families, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported.

The 20,000 people who are not held in the country’s open detention facility will be expected to leave within 60 days, or risk being imprisoned indefinitely.

According to Haaretz, the refugees will be asked to either leave for Rwanda, or back to their home countries.

It doesn't get any more transparent than this. The Jews have no credibility on this issue. It is for this very reason why I fully support multiculturalism in Israel while keeping White nations racially pure.

See how that works Jews? Pretty clever huh!

Maybe I’ll even make up stories about how my ancestors were turned into lampshades by evil hook nosed merchants to justify my support for these policies.


JEWS, the greatest liars and hypocrites in all world history.

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Must be a really nice place. I mean, Jews wouldn’t send anybody to a shithole, would they?


And now the UN High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) is negotiating to bring those poor, suffering Niggers to “safe Western countries”. Thanks, Jews!

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