Islamic Terrorist Sadiq Khan Approves "Trump-Baby" Balloon

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The Islamic terrorist Sadiq Khan has approved the flying of a Trump baby balloon near the British parliament while Donald Trump is scheduled to visit London on July 13th.

Sky News:

A giant balloon dubbed "Trump baby" has been given the green light to fly near parliament during the president's UK visit.

London mayor Sadiq Khan's Greater London Authority has approved a request for the flight after thousands signed a petition and a crowdfunding campaign raised more than ÂŁ16,000 to get the six-metre inflatable off the ground.

Strict rules are in place for the flight from Parliament Square Gardens, with the balloon being tethered to the ground and restricted from floating higher than 30m (98ft).

It will fly between 9.30am and 11.30am on Friday 13 July - coinciding with the president's visit to the UK and a "Stop Trump" march in central London.

A spokesperson for the Mayor of London said: "The Mayor supports the right to peaceful protest and understands that this can take many different forms.

"His city operations team have met with the organisers and have given them permission to use Parliament Square Garden as a grounding point for the blimp."

This is some real asshole behavior from the Islamic terrorist Khan. He is openly trying to terrorize Trump when he visits the shithole city of London. It proves once again that the United Kingdom has been infiltrated and taken over by Moslems.

But what the people behind this don’t get is that these types of stunts only make Trump more popular. Every attempt to attack this man and his political ideas have failed. Do they honestly think flying some goofy balloon is going to change this?

Trump should strongly consider cancelling his visit to the UK though. After all, this is a country that severely restricts freedoms and has a highly questionable human rights record.

I mean, WTF is Tommy Robinson still doing in jail? Would a country that truly believes in freedom, democracy and human rights actually jail somebody for political speech?


There are already threads on /pol/ trying to organize people in London with hand held mirrors & curved reflectors to aim them at the balloon to focus the sun’s rays on it & bring that fucker down…


A balloon of a visiting head of state?!? TALK ABOUT CHILDISH!!!


The liberals weren’t exactly crazy about Nixon, Reagan or the Bushes yet they never pulled any kid stuff like this. But I must say that balloon is rather comical! Oh well, Trump is going to be America’s last president, so we might as well get as many laffs as we can before RAHOWA begins.


The clown world demands childish actions!


This is utterly ridiculous. I hope someone shoots it down.


I would just cancel the trip if I were Trump… We just had Independence Day…

Independence from England.


That’s a nice blimp they have there.

It would be a shame

If somebody

Shot it down.


A real shame indeed. :laughing:

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Trump sees and hears everything.