Is Trump Going to Begin the Deportations or What?

Originally published at: Is Trump Going to Begin the Deportations or What? |

Donald Trump said that ICE would begin rounding up and deporting unwelcome invaders unless Democrats and Republicans came to an agreement on immigration after two weeks. That time has passed and now Trump is saying that the deportations will happen “fairly soon.”


President Donald Trump said on Friday mass deportation roundups would begin “fairly soon” as U.S. migrant advocates vowed their communities would be “ready” when immigration officers come.

Trump, who has made a hardline immigration stance a key issue of his presidency and 2020 re-election bid, postponed the operation last month after the date was leaked, but on Monday he said it would take place after July 4.

“They’ll be starting fairly soon, but I don’t call them raids, we’re removing people, all of these people who have come in over the years illegally,” he told reporters at the White House on Friday.

The fact that he delayed these deportations was ridiculous to begin with. He only did it because Nancy Pelosi asked him too after she claimed that they’d try to work on an immigration deal. As I suspected, the bitch hasn’t done shit and there has been no progress on any sort of deal.

This was just a delay tactic from Pelosi. There is now no reason why these deportations can’t start in mass. In fact, I have no idea why Trump made some grand announcement about it. He could have just issued the order and after the raids entered the news cycle made a statement on it.

Whatever the case, these deportations need to start happening and they need to start happening now. No more excuses.


I believe Trump is just another sell out.


he can start by deporting the fat, designer jean brownies that Cory Booker smuggled in.

deportations without reform won’t do much. again, if Trump deported 1000 illegals a day it would take 2.74 years to deport one million niggers and there are approx 23 million in the USA. Yale Professor: '22.8 Million Undocumented' Aliens Live in America—Double Official Estimates | National Economics Editorial

so at 1000 deportaions daily (which is unrealistic) 23 x 2.74 = 63.02 years to deport just the brownies already here with millions more streaming in. but wait, THERE’S MORE!

ICE spent an average of $10,854 per deportee during the fiscal year that ended in September, according to ICE spokeswoman Yasmeen Pitts O’Keefe. “This includes all costs necessary to identify, apprehend, detain, process through immigration court, and remove an alien,” she said in an interview.
How much does it cost to deport one migrant? It depends

therefore to deport 23 million negroid invaders it will cost approx 249.642 BILLION DOLLARS… so you see, Trump’s deportation “plan” is just a feel-good bunch of fucking BULLSHIT.

oh, and the figures above are a best case scenario with 1000 brownies deported daily and this does not take into consideration that they are breeding like cockroaches so you can deport the adults but they will leave behind many “legal” invaders.


I would venture to say that blormfs #1 immediate goal would be to get his jew handler epstein out of the hot water he is in for raping and trafficking kiddies…My guess would be that he or some other rapist kike has the dirt on Donnie and his real estate scams for decades he has been involved in up in joo- york


Epstein is going probably to die in custody due to some “freak accident”


Or the charges will be dropped. That’s how the system works.


Will he mobilize the armed forces to make this happen? There’s not enough ICE workers to do a mass deportation. Maybe start by requiring a valid SS# to get employment or govt benefits. Aliens would self deport.


It’s already against the law to knowingly hiring illegals but it’s not being enforced.

But you are right. The best way to solve the problem is to deny illegals income . Also make it illegal to cash their checks.


@JoeG welcome to the forum.

Deport all :taco: immigrants immediately.