Iranian Oil Tanker Arrives in Venezeula Despite ZOG Threats

Originally published at: Iranian Oil Tanker Arrives in Venezeula Despite ZOG Threats |

Iran just dealt a major embarrassment to the ZOG system by sending a ship filled with 1.53 million barrels of gasoline to Venezuela. This was done despite all of the ZOG economic sanctions and an American naval blockade.

Iran is providing Venezuela with 1.53 million barrels of gasoline and components in a move criticized by U.S. authorities

— Reuters (@Reuters) May 25, 2020

This is apparently going to be the first of several shipments.

A Venezuelan warship escorting the first of #Iran’s five tankers carrying gasoline to the Latin American country in #Venezuela’s territorial waters on May 24, 2020.

— Press TV (@PressTV) May 24, 2020

Venezuela has had all sorts of gasoline shortages due to a myriad of issues with their ability to refine their oil reserves. Hence the need for them to import gasoline.

This is just another sign showing how the entire ZOG system is losing its ability to project power. We can expect an increasing number of challenges to the ZOG system as we see the American economy plunge into the worst of all depressions.

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