Iowa Caucus a Total Shit Show for the Democrat Party

Originally published at: Iowa Caucus a Total Shit Show for the Democrat Party |

Last night’s Iowa Caucus was a total cluster fuck among cluster fucks for the Democrat Party. They relied upon some stupid ass smartphone app to report results and the app got all fucked up.

It’s a full day later and we still do not have the full results.


Who won Iowa?

Iowa’s Democrats had hoped that a new smartphone app designed to collect the results of its caucuses would let the party get the count out to the public more quickly.

But as of Tuesday afternoon, the state’s Democratic Party was still struggling to report the outcome of Monday night’s caucuses, blaming the delay on problems with that app. Finally, shortly after 5 p.m., the party began releasing results.

Shortly before releasing the results, Iowa Democratic Party chair Troy Price said Monday night’s reporting mishap was “unacceptable” and offered an apology. He reiterated that his priority is the “accuracy and integrity” of the results.

DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in a statement Tuesday evening that the issue “should never happen again.” He said the app would not be used during the primary election process and that the vendor “must provide absolute transparent accounting of what went wrong.”

Shadow Inc., the company that developed the app for the party, apologized for the delay in a series of tweets Tuesday afternoon.

It has also been reported that this Shadow Inc. company had connections back to the Clinton family which has spawned a number of conspiracy theories. Lots of Bernie supporters have been saying this whole debacle was part of a plot to screw them.

Conspiracies or no conspiracies, it is stupid to rely upon technology in elections. Technology can be hacked and its use increases the possibility of fraud etc..

Basically what the Democrats did was take the simple and made it complex with this smartphone app. And by doing this they have destroyed their credibility along with the credibility of the Iowa Caucus itself.

This was a political gift for the orange man who rightly mocked them for their incompetence going so far as to bring up the disaster that was the Obamacare website.

The Democrat Caucus is an unmitigated disaster. Nothing works, just like they ran the Country. Remember the 5 Billion Dollar Obamacare Website, that should have cost 2% of that. The only person that can claim a very big victory in Iowa last night is “Trump”.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2020

When will the Democrats start blaming RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, instead of their own incompetence for the voting disaster that just happened in the Great State of Iowa?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2020

As far as the results go, it looks like it is between Pete Faggotbutt and the Jewish Communist Bernie Sanders, but we probably won’t know who actually wins until tomorrow.

There was all sorts of other weird shit that happened, but it is late and I don’t have the time to get into it right now.

All you need to know is that the disaster known as the 2020 Iowa Caucus is just another example of why democracy doesn’t work and is a stupid form of government.


Vote Берни Сандерс!
He’s got my vote!


The Bern is probably the only one that has a chance at beating Trump.

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ButtPlug is taking credit.

Remember this about him: besides being a degenerate faggot, he if virulently anti-White:

Pete Buttigieg believes “white supremacy” is the “greatest risk of ending the American project.” Whites didn’t create America, Buttigieg believes, but instead are its greatest threat. "Look if you think about it, white supremacy is the thing beneath the surface of American life that has come closest to ending American life,” he told black radio host Charlamagne that God in September. His generation must dismantle “systemic racism” to save America, he averred

Sanders too:

A President Sanders, he said last August, will “go to war against white nationalism.” He has characterized many of Trump’s sensible views about immigration as racist.

Pass it on to every White you know - and remember there are a lot that aren’t worth saving - they’d think those types of remarks are virtuous.


I was unaware America is just a ‘project’.


“Project” or “proposition nation” - pick your poison.

According to lefties, that’s all we ever were, are and will be - until they take control - then we’ll be a Communist police state.

Bernie’s people wish to put us in prison, “re-educate” us in gulags and support violent revolution to do it:

Last week you met Bernie Sanders Iowa campaign staffer Kyle Jurek; then yesterday you met Sanders South Carolina staffer Martin Weissgerber.

Both paid staffers, both praising “re-education” gulags, communism and violent revolution.

Sanders and MSM remain silent.

— James O’Keefe

Gulags and the persecution of the kulaks were exaggerated, says another Bernie Sanders staffer in a new undercover video. Mason Baird, they/them, appears to express support for a militant far-left movement that is willing to be violent.

– Andy Ngo

Andy, of course, has had first hand experience with being viciously attacked by violent anti-fa - and nothing happened to them.