Intern Flashes Alt-Right Sign in Photo With Trump

Originally published at: Intern Flashes Alt-Right Sign in Photo With Trump |

Nazis have already infiltrated high level positions within the United States government.

An intern recently flashed an Alt-Right "White Power" sign during a photo with the President. This conclusively shows that Neo-Nazis and White supremacists are in the process of taking over the federal government.

Daily Mail:

A former White House intern is coming under fire after flashing a known 'white power' sign during a photo-op with President Donald Trump.

Jack Breuer, who graduated from Emory University in Atlanta this year, is clearly bucking orders — personally given by the president — to give a thumbs-up in the picture that was taken in the White House in November.

While the other hundred or so interns smile and follow Trump’s command, Breuer, a dentist’s son who grew up in Chicago’s western suburbs, stands stony-faced giving the ‘OK’ sign that has been linked with far-right groups.

It is the same sign that white nationalist Richard Spencer gave on the steps of the Trump International Hotel on election night and that right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos posed with in front of the White House.

It was also seen at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August - the same day an alleged Nazi sympathizer accelerated his car into anti-protesters, killing one and injuring several others.

Here's the photo in question. As you can clearly see, this young man is expressing his full support for Neo-Nazism and White supremacy. He's just itching to fire up those gas chambers!

This young man is actually just one of many Nazis in that photo. Did the Jews really think that we would reveal our full power levels? The fact of the matter is that there are numerous Nazis in the Republican party and many serving in the federal government. I am personally in contact with many of them.

The Jews should be afraid of what’s to come. Nazis are taking over and there is nothing they can do to stop us. They should take a one way trip to Tel Aviv while they still have the chance.


Those idiots haven’t figured out yet that even the thumbs up sign is a Nazi symbol: the thumb is a ‘one’ and the four curled fingers are a ‘four’ and Bob’s yer uncle, “Fourteen”!


haha, lots of white faces in that photo

must piss off the jews

I thought I read somewhere that the intern in question, Jack Bruer, is actually a you-know-who.They wish they could be White!