Infostormer Has Made it Into 2024

Originally published at:

I just wanted to thank everyone for reading and supporting this site over the years. Some of you may not know this, but I’ve been doing news and political commentary on the Internet since the mid 2000s in various forms.

I first started doing stuff focusing on the 9/11 attacks and published various conspiracy materials that were more from the perspective of a Constitutionalist and an anti-Zionist. As things got increasingly more out of control economically and socially, it became clear to me that the Jews not “secret societies” or “globalists” etc.. were the ones primarily behind the vast majority of our problems.

I also adopted increasingly more hardline political views on racial issues due to the fact that political correctness and other Jewish bullshit was being constantly crammed down our throats in an increasingly belligerent manner. This through multiculturalism, diversity etc.. I am legitimately not a hateful person and have regularly gotten along with people of different races and backgrounds, but I wasn’t going to allow others to consistently attack me and call me evil simply because of my race and gender.

That’s why I started to use politically incorrect language and particularly use words that you are not allowed to say in polite society. Words like “nigger” and “kike” are just two examples. I believe that it is not possible to have a free exchange of ideas if people are punished for saying certain words because of “feelings” or some other reason. It’s also just very gay and retarded that we have this situation when blacks say “nigger” 10,000 times in their horrible rap songs put out by Jewish music companies.

I also do not give a shit about any of the personal economic and social consequences from running such a site. This world has only gotten more and more fucked up the older I’ve gotten so I feel a personal duty to talk about these issues. I think it is one of the reasons why my materials were among those that were first censored and why the Jews themselves and their billion dollar media empires chose to ignore my materials after trying to openly counter and attack them.

It is truly unfortunate, that I am still one of the few people running a site or media platform that talks about these issues. I was hoping by now that there’d be a larger number of people doing this. Don’t get me wrong, this type of media has grown significantly, but it hasn’t grown to the point that I would have hoped.

My friend Azzmador has had a similar experience with his radio show The Krypto Report being censored and blacklisted. He has re-established his show on Rumble and as I’ve been doing for the past several weeks, I will be promoting his show on the front page of the site whenever he does a livestream. I would encourage all readers to subscribe to his Rumble channel and if you have the means to do so, donate to it when he’s live via Rumble Rants. We need to support content like his as there just isn’t enough of it on the Internet.

The good news is that this site has had a steady increase in traffic in 2023 with a notable uptick after all that shit went down on October 7th and the subsequent Jew-led genocide that is happening in Gaza. The site had over 100,000 visits in November 2023 which isn’t bad considering that I run this site almost as a part time hobby and it is spread largely via word of mouth. You can see the current stats on the Jewish Similarweb site. It isn’t 100 percent accurate but it is close enough.

I get that 100,000 visits in one month isn’t a ton of traffic but it is honest work and I know for a fact that other people with bigger audiences and followings read what I write with my views filtering into broader discussion groups. That’s what is most important to me. I do not care if I get credit or praise for anything as I am not doing this for ego, financial gain or some other goofy reason. Hell, I invented “kitten nationalism” in 2017 after the Charlottesville situation and received zero credit for the idea that has been used by others with great success. All I care about is spreading my perspectives to as many people as possible.

My current plan is to continue doing political commentary on the Internet as long as I am able to do so. I have just been constantly compelled to seek the truth and talk about these issues for whatever reason. It is just something that has been inherent inside of me for as long as I can remember.

There is only one truth and I do not give a shit if the truth often makes people angry and uncomfortable. Anybody who has a problem with the truth has a problem inside of themselves. Either that or they are just Jewish.

With that said, I’ll likely be doing some behind the scenes maintenance of the site over the next few weeks or so. It is long overdue. There were some networking problems on New Year’s Eve that required some tech voodoo to be done. So for a few hours access to the site was sporadic.

I’m also probably going to replace the forum with either a new type of forum software or some other mechanism that allows article comments. I’m still exploring options for this, but I just wanted to warn the forum posters that there will likely be some changes soon.

Please be aware that there might be some downtime for the site over the next month or so. I’ll try to announce when these events happen so you don’t think a group of tranny hackers took down the site or something. I actually had to deal with those type of faggots after Charlottesville when I was trying to bring the site back up after I got thrown off my service providers. That was not a fun experience. Something tells me the Jews and those tranny faggots have bigger problems to deal with at the moment. That’s just a hunch though.

If the site is ever down you can always check out my Gab account for relevant updates.

Finally, I mostly pay for this site out of my own pocket so if you find the content here useful and would like to support my efforts, I have Bitcoin and Monero addresses that you can use to donate crypto to.





I might do some Rumble streams in the future to solicit donations to help the site, but that’s going to depend on the time I have available. It is hard enough keeping this machine running and supplying it with fresh content daily.

Even though I am hardly optimistic about the coming year, I do think 2024 is going to be an interesting ride. I will do my best to cover what happens and try to make as much sense of all the looming insanity as I can.

That is all for now.

Thanks again for reading.


I like the idea of being able to comment directly on stories but I also like the comradery of this forum and fear that this will be lost.

you’re doing a fantastic job bringing these taboo issues to the public square. they didn’t shut you down because you were lying.


I left this site for a while and came back. I have to say it’s improved and I can only imagine what it will be like when you do the overhaul and really update it. Not that’s it’s bad now. Keep up the good work.


There are rumors that she might do a benefit concert for this site, Mr. Infostormer.



Outstanding essay!!!


Thanks, I’m weighing options on what makes the most sense for the forum and article comments in general. You’d think something like this would be easy to setup, maintain and run but it isn’t unfortunately.


Glad you think it has improved. I’ve been able to pour more time into content over the last year or so. I just had all sorts of life issues and weird shit I had to deal with as a result of the COVID hoax hysteria and it made producing content difficult.


Thanks Lee, I always enjoy your forum.


Thanks for the hard work you do, even if it is largely thankless and heavily censored. It’s always worth it to tell the truth even it seems hopeless because ultimately God is going to judge each of us individually based on whether we did what was right, win or lose. I think history has shown us the downfall of jewish power always takes place with just a handful of courageous people willing to sacrifice and tell the truth about them. Their number eventually just keeps growing until they are overwhelmed and they finally get what they deserve. We are already seeing this happening now, and we have people like yourself, Anglin, Nick Fuentes, Azzmador, etc to thank for that, so keep up the good work and there’s a good chance we will see these rats and their demonic schemes overthrown in our lifetimes.


I have been reading your site since I saw your link in a comment on Prison Planet in the mid 2000s. Hopefully you can keep it rolling for many more years to come. We will prevail over these dark forces someday. Keep up the excellent work Stormer… Happy New Year!


I really like this place


I appreciate the hard work that goes into running this site. I really enjoy the content and it’s the first thing I read every morning.


Thanks for all the hard work I know you put in. As I told you earlier , this site has always been very stable for me and I use it as a test for various VPNs and when my Internet or computer is acting wonky - I know if I can’t pull up this site, I won’t be able to pull up any others.

I know the trouble Anglin has had keeping his forum up - the current iteration doesn’t run well for me anywhere, including Tor. I think he’s lost a number of posters over this issue, I know it’s been very frustrating for me to the point where I’ve given up - it’s also disorienting to keep switching sites onto a new forum and having to get used to that, only for that one to get taken down - again and again.

That said, the Internet, especially sites like this, have set us free from the Jews’ one-sided, anti-White narrative - as Peter Brimelow says, The Internet is as important an invention as the printing press.

Keep up the good work.



Happy New Year as well. Thanks for the support over the years.


I saved this one:


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