Increasing Number of Trump Voters Favor State Secession

Originally published at: Increasing Number of Trump Voters Favor State Secession |

A significant number of Donald Trump voters now favor state secession.


Many residents of Republican-controlled states who voted for Donald Trump in 2020 believe they would be “better off” if their state seceded from the US, a new poll has revealed.

About 33% of Trump voters in so-called red states say they’d personally fare better if their state “became an independent country,” according to a Yahoo/YouGov poll released on Friday. That compares with 29% who believe they’d be “worse off” after secession. The remaining 38% are either unsure or see themselves faring “about the same” in a newly independent state.

The margin was similar when Americans were asked how their state as a whole would fare after secession, with 35% of Trump voters speculating it would be better off, versus 30% saying that it would be worse off.

Polls these days are generally ridiculous, but just the fact that a significant number of Donald Trump voters expressed support for the idea is a sign that people are coming around to it.

It’s really the most practical solution. The country has become increasingly polarized and there needs to be some type of separation. Especially when the 2020 election showed that there is no guarantee of us being able to vote our way out of this. The Supreme Court didn’t even rule on all the obvious election fraud which further proved just how ridiculous and evil the system has become.

The formation of a new red state confederacy is going to become an increasingly more possible thing as the Jew-run American empire continues its collapse. The Texas Republican Party has already included secession as part of its platform so this idea is not on the fringes. It is possible that other states will follow suit as things get more and more insane.

Of course, it is also possible that this system which is based on endless lies, hoaxes and corruption will collapse and be taken over by real patriotic Americans. There is simply no way for this system to be sustained indefinitely. Especially not by the morons and retards who have been tasked with running it.

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